[PAID] [QBCORE] - m-Insurance - Car Registration + Car Insurance


  • A car insurance and car registration script, this script doesn’t store anything in the database, it’s all stored by the item’s metadata. Therefore, if they lose the item, they will have to insure/register the vehicle again. It is possible to take out insurance for 30/60/90 days.


  • Optimized
  • Full and easy customization
  • 0.00ms
  • Car Registration
  • Car Insurance
  • 30/60/90 Days Insurance
  • Item with all information of the vehicle and expire date

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Code is accessible No (Only config’s)
Subscription-based Yes if you want
Lines (approximately) ~215
Requirements none
Support Yes

:exclamation: Also from me

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can u do the same for ESX please?




As well interest about ESX version of this script please. :slight_smile:

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I think I can, but it will only work with ox-inventory or quasar-inventory due to item metadata


Man i only wait for that ! ESX version :sunglasses: I got ox inventory :slight_smile:

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waiting for ESX version.

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ok sweet! i have Quasar inventory!

I use Quasar-Inventory as well. :pinched_fingers:

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looks fun!

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Hello will you make this for ESX? I would love to buy it . Using Quasar inventory

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the lua files outdated. could i get the event name?

Need for ESX and quasar !

Any plans for an addon script for Police to be able to scan vehicles and check if they have active insurance? maybe an addon that works with Albos ANPR as an example

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is there a video on how to install this?

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Have a file readMe how to

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The police can check if you have insurance or not ?

Yes :slight_smile:

The police can see when the insurance expires ?
The insurance increases if you had an accident ?
It has webhooks ?

It has webhooks ?

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