[PAID] [QBCORE] - m-Runs - Level System - 3 Type of Runs - More!

  • A simple drug delivery script. There are 3 types, level 1 you will only do Weed Run, after some deliveries you will move to level 2 you can make Coke Runs, and finally at level 3 you can make Guns Runs, all the boxes can be opened, and you can activate them or disable it, and even to choose the items that can go out in these boxes, but if the player opens it, he won’t be able to finish the mission.

  • The level system is up to you to decide, there are 3 levels, and you can define how much is needed for the levels in question. The amount earned by each RUN is also set by you.

  • 3 Runs: Weed Run , Coke Run , Guns Run.
  • 3 Items: Weed box, Coke box, Guns box.
  • Players can open crates and get rewards.
  • Can enable/disable mask detection on player.
  • Call the police with chance chosen by you.
  • Level system.
  • You can only block for one gang.
  • You can only block for one job.
  • Language available for: en, pt, es, fr, de

  • image

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Yes if you want
Lines (approximately) ~300
Requirements None
Support Yes

:exclamation: Also from me

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wow! nice scritp

1 Like

Thanks mate!

Can you add more level example different drugs runs

Hi, at the moment is only the original 4 runs.