[QB] [FREE] - m-Scratches - Rewards - Webhooks and more!

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:pushpin: About

  • A simple scratch card script. You can buy scratchcards and open them to win prizes! All values are configurable.

:pushpin: Features

  • Optimized
  • 0.00ms
  • 3 Types of rewards
  • 5 Types of cards
  • Webhooks
  • Cooldown
Config = {}

Config.Settings = {
    Core = "qb-core", -- Your core folder name "qb-core"
    Target = "qb-target", -- Your target/third eye folder name "qb-target"
    Notify = "QBCore", -- Change your notify here "QBCore" | "okok" | "mythic"
    Webhook = "", -- Your webhook to logs when players selling
    Cooldown = true, -- Enable cooldown?
    Timer = 60, -- 60 Seconds

Config.Blips = {
    [1] = {enable = true, x = -66.90, y = -1312.41, z = 28.28, sprite = 605, display = 4, scale = 0.8, colour = 5,  name = "Lottery Tickets"},
    -- You can add more blips
    -- Example:
    -- [2] = {enable = true, x = -66.90, y = -1312.41, z = 28.28, sprite = 605, display = 4, scale = 0.8, colour = 5,  name = "Lottery Tickets"},
    -- [3] = {enable = true, x = -66.90, y = -1312.41, z = 28.28, sprite = 605, display = 4, scale = 0.8, colour = 5,  name = "Lottery Tickets"},

Config.Peds = {
    [1] = {enable = true, type = 4, hash = GetHashKey("a_m_m_tourist_01"), x = -66.90,  y = -1312.41,  z = 28.28, h = 179.15},
    -- You can add more peds
    -- Example :
    --  [2] = {enable = true, type = 4, hash = GetHashKey("a_m_m_tourist_01"), x = -66.90,  y = -1312.41,  z = 28.28, h = 179.15},
    --  [3] = {enable = true, type = 4, hash = GetHashKey("a_m_m_tourist_01"), x = -66.90,  y = -1312.41,  z = 28.28, h = 179.15},

Config.ScratchShop = {
    [1] = { name = "scratchcard01", price = 50,   amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
    [2] = { name = "scratchcard02", price = 150,  amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
    [3] = { name = "scratchcard03", price = 350,  amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },
    [4] = { name = "scratchcard04", price = 650,  amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4 },
    [5] = { name = "scratchcard05", price = 1000, amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5 },

Config.Rewards = {
    ["ScratchCard01"] = {
        chancePremiumReward = 90, -- Chance to get the premium reward
        minReward = 10, -- Minimum reward
        maxReward = 100, -- Maximum reward
        premiumReward = 150, -- Premium reward
    ["ScratchCard02"] = {
        chancePremiumReward = 30, -- Chance to get the premium reward
        minReward = 50, -- Minimum reward
        maxReward = 300, -- Maximum reward
        premiumReward = 450, -- Premium reward
    ["ScratchCard03"] = {
        chancePremiumReward = 20, -- Chance to get the premium reward
        minReward = 150, -- Minimum reward
        maxReward = 550, -- Maximum reward
        premiumReward = 750, -- Premium reward
    ["ScratchCard04"] = {
        chancePremiumReward = 10, -- Chance to get the premium reward
        minReward = 500, -- Minimum reward
        maxReward = 950, -- Maximum reward
        premiumReward = 1250, -- Premium reward
    ["ScratchCard05"] = {
        chancePremiumReward = 5, -- Chance to get the premium reward
        minReward = 800, -- Minimum reward
        maxReward = 1250, -- Maximum reward
        premiumReward = 1650, -- Premium reward

Hope you enjoy it :wink:


Incredible free release. Makes the players so happy!
Thank you!

1 Like

bro thanks dude for making it free! your :fire: dude

1 Like

nice script, can you make it for ESX without ox pls

1 Like

Done bro :slight_smile:

1 Like

oh very nice ty :heart_hands: