[PAID] [ESX/QBCore/STANDALONE] - Tattoo Shop

[Tattoo Shop] :pen:

Key Features :

  1. Multi-Framework Compatibility
  • Fully compatible with ESX, QBCore, and Standalone frameworks, allowing for smooth integration across multiple server setups.
  1. Camera Based on Selected Body Part
  • Dynamic camera positioning automatically adjusts based on the selected tattoo zone.
  1. Modern Design
  • Sleek and user-friendly interface designed for a smooth user experience.
  1. Automatic Translation of Tattoo Labels
  • Tattoos are automatically translated for localization support.
  1. Try Tattooing While Hovering
  • Players can preview tattoos before purchasing by hovering over the options.
  1. Payment Options
  • Flexible payment methods: pay via bank or cash in-game.
  1. Simple Configuration
  • Easy-to-edit JSON configuration for quick setup and customization.
  1. Custom Pricing
  • Set different prices for each tattoo directly in the JSON file.
  1. Add or Remove Tattoos
  • Effortlessly add or remove tattoos using the JSON file, with support for dynamic updates.
  1. Tattoo Removal
  • Players can remove a specific tattoo or clear all tattoos at once.
  1. Organized Tattoo Categories
  • Tattoos are grouped by body parts for easy navigation and selection, with a dedicated section to display tattoos already owned by the player.

Preview :framed_picture:

Pricing Options :

Open-source scripts come with built-in protections to prevent unwanted leaks while maintaining the readability and usability of the code.

Want to test before buying ? :globe_with_meridians:

Documentation : Installation | Var-Documentation

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Our other ressources :

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ESX identity 0.00€
Garbage Job 0.00€

Code is accessible Yes or no
Subscription-based Yes or no
Lines (approximately) + 600
Requirements ESX, QBCore, Standalone
Support Yes