[PAID] [ESX] - Bank System

[Advanced Bank] :bank:

Hey, everyone, we are excited to introduce our latest advanced bank

Key Features :

  • You can securely log in to any bank account and perform various actions on it.
  • If you are the boss of your company, you have the authority to manage the bank account.
  • Easily perform actions such as depositing and withdrawing money.
  • Conduct seamless transfers using IBAN.
  • Add your favorite beneficiaries for quick and hassle-free transactions.
  • Effortlessly perform bank transfers to multiple recipients simultaneously.
  • You can edit theme color (in hsl)/font and change all string for any language

Preview :framed_picture:

Pricing Options :

Open-source scripts come with built-in protections to prevent unwanted leaks while maintaining the readability and usability of the code.

Want to test before buying ? :globe_with_meridians:

Documentation : Installation | Var-Documentation

Thank you for supporting us, don’t hesitate to give your opinion

Our other ressources :

Advanced Society Manager 37.00€
Barber Shop 29.50€
Multi Character 29.50€
Casino 59.00€
Crew Builder 18.50€
Property Creator 44.00€
Auto CarDealer 22.00€
ESX identity 0.00€
Bill System 14.50€
Shop System 29.50€
Heist ATM 18.50€
Gardener Job 18.50€
Advanced Creator 44.00€
Poster Job 18.50€
Garbage Job 0.00€
Tatoo Shop 29.50€
Clothes Shop 29.50€

Code is accessible Yes or no
Subscription-based Yes or no
Lines (approximately) + 1000
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

Compatible with oxlib ?

Yes for sure