[PAID] [ESX] - Advanced Society Manager

[Advanced Society Manager] :office:

Greetings everyone ! We hope you’re all doing well. Today, we’re thrilled to unveil our newest creation : the Advanced Society Manager script.

Key Features :

  • Easily track how many employees are currently in service.
  • Keep an overview of the total workforce at a glance.
  • Monitor the financial health of your society with real-time balance updates.
  • Stay on top of your finances with a detailed list of outstanding invoices.
  • Effortlessly manage and assign ranks to your employees.
  • Customize and manage employee salaries for better control.
  • See which employees are online and ready for duty.
  • Access a configurable list of the last 50 invoices.
  • View and delete pending invoices as needed.
  • Recruit new players to join your society seamlessly.
  • Deposit or withdraw money from the society’s account with ease, compatible with Var-Bank or other banking systems using an SQL transaction system.
  • The invoice system is adaptable to Var-Bill or other billing systems.

Preview :framed_picture:

Pricing Options :

Open-source scripts come with built-in protections to prevent unwanted leaks while maintaining the readability and usability of the code.

Want to test before buying ? :globe_with_meridians:

Documentation : Installation | Var-Documentation

Thank you for supporting us, don’t hesitate to give your opinion

Our other ressources :

Casino 46.50€
Property Creator 33.00€
Advanced Creator 33.00€
Advanced Bank 26.50€
Advanced Society Manager 19.75€
Barber Shop 19.75€
Multi Character 19.75€
Auto CarDealer 19.75€
Shop System 19.75€
Tatoo Shop 19.75€
Clothes Shop 19.75€
Poster Job 13.50€
Crew Builder 13.50€
Gardener Job 13.50€
Bill System 13.50€
Heist ATM 13.50€
ESX identity 0.00€
Garbage Job 0.00€

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Yes or no
Lines (approximately) +600
Requirements ESX
Support Yes