[PAID] [ESX] - Property Creator / Crew System

[Property Creator/Crew System] :house_with_garden: :crossed_swords:

Hello everyone, we are happy to finally introduce our property creator to you. This creator is very different from the others you can change everything within the limits of your imagination. You can also manage your property with your crew and change clothes if you own the Var-ClotheShop

Key Features :

  • Create your own property/garage
  • Choose the number of garage spaces and weight of the safe
  • Choose interior
  • Different price depending on properties and garage
  • Manage customers for job
  • Manage your property
  • Add tenants
  • Attribute to your job
  • Attribute to your crew (dependencies)
  • Deposit or take out items/money/weapon
  • Change your clothes with this save from clothing stores (dependencies)
  • Store your vehicles in your garage and manage it
  • Vehicles damages saves
  • Consumables with effect following interiors
  • Easy menu customization

Preview :framed_picture:

Consumables :

Menu customization :

Pricing Options :



Open-source scripts come with built-in protections to prevent unwanted leaks while maintaining the readability and usability of the code.

Want to test before buying ? :globe_with_meridians:

Documentation : Installation | Var-Documentation

Thank you for supporting us, don’t hesitate to give your opinion

Our other ressources :

Casino 46.50€
Property Creator 33.00€
Advanced Creator 33.00€
Advanced Bank 26.50€
Advanced Society Manager 19.75€
Barber Shop 19.75€
Multi Character 19.75€
Auto CarDealer 19.75€
Shop System 19.75€
Tatoo Shop 19.75€
Clothes Shop 19.75€
Poster Job 13.50€
Crew Builder 13.50€
Gardener Job 13.50€
Bill System 13.50€
Heist ATM 13.50€
ESX identity 0.00€
Garbage Job 0.00€

Code is accessible Yes or no
Subscription-based Yes or no
Lines (approximately) + 1000
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

Do not purchase. Open source script is encrypted and the creator will not send unencrypted. False description and lying.

Dont fall for this scam. I have emailed tebex and I will also report to FiveM.

And the script does not work properly even with encryption.

Support 1/10
Script 6/10

I’m sorry to hear about your frustration regarding the situation. Let me clarify some points :

  • Firstly, I want to emphasize that our script is largely open source, in line with the category it’s listed under. This means that the vast majority of the code is accessible and modifiable by users.

  • However, for security and intellectual property protection reasons, some parts of the script are encrypted. These parts have no impact on the use or customization of the script but are necessary to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of its use.

  • Regarding your request for an unencrypted version, I’m sorry, but we cannot provide such versions for security and protection of our work.

  • Regarding your efforts with Tebex and FiveM, we’re open to discussing our products and services. If you have legitimate concerns, we encourage you to contact us directly so we can address them together constructively.

We strive to provide quality products and transparent customer service, and we’re open to discussing any concerns you may have. Thank you for your understanding. :smile:

You are accepting that you are mis-using the word “open source”. Everyone in their right mind knows open source and encryption are antonyms not synonyms.

If you want to prevent le@ks, just stop selling ‘open source’ version. Like that was the whole point of escrow. You are selling two escrow products with one named as open source. Like what? Do you have brain cells?