[PAID] [ESX/QBCore] - Bill system

[Advanced Billing] :briefcase::moneybag:

Hey guys, we are excited to introduce our latest advanced billing

Key Features :

  • Choice to pay your bills with cash or with your bank account
  • Choice if money should be deducted from the company account or your personal wallet.
  • If several people are nearby you can easily make the transaction

Preview :framed_picture:

Pricing Options :

Open-source scripts come with built-in protections to prevent unwanted leaks while maintaining the readability and usability of the code.

Want to test before buying ? :globe_with_meridians:

Documentation : Installation | Var-Documentation

Thank you for supporting us, don’t hesitate to give your opinion

Our other ressources :

Barber Shop 29.50€
Multi Character 29.50€
Casino 59.00€
Crew Builder 18.50€
Property Creator 44.00€
Auto CarDealer 22.00€
ESX identity 0.00€
Shop System 29.50€
Heist ATM 18.50€
Gardener Job 18.50€
Advanced Bank 37.00€
Advanced Creator 44.00€
Poster Job 18.50€
Garbage Job 0.00€
Tatoo Shop 29.50€
Clothes Shop 29.50€

Code is accessible Yes or no
Subscription-based Yes or no
Lines (approximately) ~800
Requirements ESX or QBCore
Support Yes

Do not purchase open source script. They are locking open source version.

We want to change how the menu is opened and they are not sending open source when we bought open source.

The script has dumbest logic where it choses random person around you to send bill. How do we add a menu where sender can choose the player he wants to bill?

This script is freaking stupid and dumb

The script is indeed open source, but for security reasons, a small portion is encrypted. However, this doesn’t prevent you from modifying the rest of the script. You have full freedom to change the way the menu is opened according to your needs. :wink:

If the script seems so illogical, why did they purchase it instead of creating it themselves? Adding a menu to allow the sender to choose the player they want to bill is possible through customization. Let me know if you need guidance on how to implement it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you show how can I add qb-target to global player and open the menu to bill him?

To donate poor person like you.

Read human being read. Show me where do you have option to choose player.

Its dumb if it chooses random person next to you. I guess you won’t understand

Unfortunately, no, the script does not choose a person at random but rather a person that you have chosen yourself, select it with the indicated keys, the video shows it well if only one person is in the zone it automatically chooses them since 'she is alone however if several people are in the same area you can select them

Yes of course with pleasure please create a ticket on our Discord so that we can take care of you as soon as possible

No mention of protected files on open source assets.