[MLO] Sprinkle Cake Pop

A modern bakery-cafe located close to Rockford Hills - Morningwood Blvd.

  • A few tables and chairs out of the Sprinkle Cake Pop, Perfect for night chilling
  • A pleasant main take away bar
  • A big kitchen
  • WC for men and women
  • High Quality Textures
  • Custom Props

Video: https://youtu.be/ibMwFqFufUQ

You can buy it at our Store: https://tebex.doitdigital.shop/package/5346456

Photo Gallery: Sprinle Cake Pop - Album on Imgur

How do I purschase?
  • The purchase is done through Tebex, an official partener of fivem.
How do I download?
  • After The purchase you’ll have access to download the files from the keymaster > Purchased assets tab

We are using the FiveM asset escrow system to protect sensitive files. You can read more about escrow system here (Introducing Asset Escrow for your resources)

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Purchased and it was gorgeous. But unfortunately the 100mb file size is not justified enough to risk streaming errors and Player crashes.

Sir have you experienced any craches with this mlo?