Tunnel Billboard


Tunnel Billboard

A Billboard In the tunnel under the Pillbox Hospital, will allow you to either promote your server or make your server look like Tokyo! Don’t miss the opportunity to make your server look better!!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/rdVZl5zmfIg

Buy it at our Store: BUY HERE


Can I change the texture of the screen?

Yes you can easily change the textures of the screen as long as you have a basic knowledge of photo editing and replacing textures on ytd files it’s pretty easy.

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Support Yes
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Very cool, is possible a video preview? And what about optimisation?

Edit: I see the video image now, sorry

No sir this is not possible without a script handler. About optimisation it’s really lite it doesn’t consume almost nothing. This billboard when you’re not looking it it doesn’t even render so it’s really optimised and it can’t harm your server performance.

Total Gas as normal

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