Hookah Triple Billboards


Hookah Triple Billboards

A Billboard located at Hookah building close to PDM, will allow you to either promote your server or make your server look like Tokyo! Don’t miss the opportunity to make your server look better!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/cYM2UiCH1vE

Buy it at our Store: BUY HERE


Can I change the texture of the screen?

Yes you can easily change the textures of the screen as long as you have a basic knowledge of photo editing and replacing textures on ytd files it’s pretty easy.

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could you explain how this is better then this free resource im just asking they look good btw Animated Banner/Billboard [Add-On] - GTA5-Mods.com


We do not force anyone to buy anything if you like it you buy it.
Our Hookah Triple Billboards has dirffrent animation thatn the one that you’re refearing to and our lates billboards have PixelVision. If you trurly want learn about why this is better watch the video and the explanation under our post. Power Street Bridge Billboard - PIXEL VISION TECHNOLOGY

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really cool thanks for the info greatjob!!

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