[ESX/QBCORE] Advanced UI Report System

Advanced UI Report System


  • This resource offers better interaction with staff and users to solve their problems. It includes the following…


  • Live Chat to communicate with users
  • Identifier Infos so you can identify and recognize users along with their steam profile picture (using steam’s api)
  • Direct actions from the report menu to solve the reports faster (customizable) [Some actions are already configured]
  • Different report types for each staff ranking to solve the report in his field (customizable types)
  • Report Status for example waiting, checking, and completing so the user can know the progress of his report
  • Staff leaderboards so you can keep track of the progress of your staff
  • Discord logs to log every action
  • Directly open a discord ticket for the current user so you can solve further the report
  • Death and join/leave logs to help you solve the report


This package is compatible with ESX 1.1, 1.6, and 1.8 or QBCORE

Copy paste the resource to your resources folder and start the script.

It uses the official CFX escrow encryption that ensures buyer’s and seller’s protection. Remember that in order to run this protection system you must use the latest artifacts and a licensekey from your CFX account.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9yxLejVASY


You can buy it at our Store: BUY HERE

Check out our other packages:





Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None
Support Yes

Cool design. Stay on the ball!

1 Like

is it available for open source ?

No sir

Can you add configurations, for example : group mods can only goto & bring

it’s already in sir, you can adjust every action for each group

Wow interesting, thank you

1 Like

I Got it but my qb dont have addmoney cmd just givecash

what do i do

What do you mean sir. do you get crash when you give money to a player?

  1. you can make me one that work Under this

    1. [8:14 PM]
      if Player.Functions.RemoveMoney(‘cash’, amount, data.comment) then

    2. [8:14 PM]

    3. [8:14 PM]
      Player.Functions.AddMoney(‘cash’, amount, data.comment) local name = (“%s %s”):format(Player.PlayerData.charinfo.first

‫בתאריך יום ד׳, 15 במרץ 2023 ב-1:59 מאת ‪DoItDigital via Cfx.re Community‬‏ <‪thiscamefrom@fivem.net‬‏>:‬

good script, but i dont see the reports made by players… just my own “test” report…

can you sent us a private message so we can solve the problem?

is it not for sale anyone ???