Tunnel Entrance Billboard


Tunnel Entrance Billboard

1 Fully Customizable billboard under the pillbox tunnel will allow you to promote your server or make your server look like Tokyo! Don’t miss the opportunity to make your server look better!

Realistic Technology on visual. Get really close to the billboard and you’ll be able to see the pixels!

We are using the FiveM asset escrow system to protect sensitive files. You can read more about escrow system here (Introducing Asset Escrow for your resources)

The purchase is done through Tebex, an official partner of FiveM. After The purchase you’ll have access to download the files from the keymaster > Purchased assets tab.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v98Mhl0NwqE

Buy it at our Store: BUY HERE


Can I change the texture of the screen?

Yes you can easily change the textures of the screen as long as you have a basic knowledge of photo editing and replacing textures on ytd files it’s pretty easy.

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes