[FREE] wasabi_discord - An actively developed discord wrapper [Wasabi Script]



This resource was created as a standalone free actively updated Discord Wrapper. Intended as a feature rich and secure alternative to abandoned projects previously.


  • Myself and anyone else who makes PR on the repo
  • bb-queue for some of it’s logic behind adding/removing from queue


  • No “framework” dependencies

  • Client/server exports for checking a specific role or requesting a table of roles a user processes

  • Configurable Discord Whitelist

  • Extremely configurable Discord priority queue

  • Will be actively developed and improved


Installation: wasabi_discord - Wasabi Scripts


  • Queue:


  • Whitelist Error:


Download GitHub - wasabirobby/wasabi_discord: Standalone Discord API script for FiveM

Additional Comments

Will be actively updated and new features will be implemented! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with feature requests!

My Other Releases:



Great work my man, can see this being used by many servers very soon!


amazing script. everything by wasabi is perfect and his support is off the charts!


Great work


Thank you for the kind replies!

If you downloaded a version older than 1.0.2 there was a few small bugs that are now fixed so just download latest version.

Edit: I lied, any version older than 1.0.3 (oops)

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Good work dude :heart:

Thank you brother I do appreciate it.


Just downloaded, works perfectly so far! thanks for your work :slight_smile:

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NIce release… i like this one buddy

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Thank you for the responses.

I will be adding more features/improvements frequently.


Looks good! How would one go and add a export for checking a discord role in order to run a specific command?

Not sure if its just me or a general bug but on the waiting screen for the queue the buttons dont do anything for the webstore or discord, it doesn’t copy them to a clipboard either so was unsure if its a bug or not?

I have the correct URLS for the button links when pressed it just does nothing

any ideas for my previous comment?

I’m unsure because I have not had anyone with this issue :frowning:

amazing works perfect in my server

Really wanting this for my server but myself and any other player gets stuck on verifying when trying to connect to the server and I am stumped what I may have done wrong.

You have ox lib started first?

Ya I do I am pretty sure

[script:wasabi_discor] SCRIPT ERROR: @wasabi_discord/server/server.lua:37: bad argument #1 to ‘gsub’ (string expected, got nil)

hello i have this error

Anyone who had issues with the last 2 most recent versions are encouraged to try latest 1.0.7

I will start working more again on this soon.