[FREE][ESX][QBCore] Wasabi's Halloween Event [UPDATED 10/10/23]


This resource was created as a free fun script for your players to feel festive during Halloween.


  • Trick-or-treat at configured locations
  • Configurable option to only allow one person per house(See config)
  • 100 Pre-Configured locations(Mirror Park; Could use some more locations)
  • Option to only allow trick-or-treat at night
  • Option to require basket to be equipped to trick-or-treat
  • Animations
  • Configurable peds
  • Usable jack-o-lantern item to toggle basket prop(Configurable)
  • Custom prop(For the basket)
  • Optimized 0.00ms idle
  • Compatible with ESX/QBCore
  • Utilizes ox_lib



  • Download this script
  • Add jackolantern to your items or switch the item name in config.lua
  • Maybe put jackolantern in a shop?
  • Ensure script after ox_lib and enjoy

Extra Information

  • Inventory image included in the InventoryImages directory
  • You must add the item jackolantern(or whatever config item is set as) to your items database/table.
  • Set Config.trickOrTreat to false until you’re ready for your players to trick or treat so player’s can still collect the jack-o-lantern baskets?




My Other Releases:


Nice release :slight_smile:


Adding full trick-or-treat within the next few hours-24 hours. Working on it now.


Trick or treat functions added.

Anyone who wants to provide more coords for the config it will help and I’ll add them into config for others.

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Make it qbcore homie

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Okay tomorrow(later today/it’s 3:45am)

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sleep is for the weak :rofl: jk jk


I am lazy to get back on PC. Think only very few changes for qb. I’ll do it real quick while I puff the final vape of the day.

Should be QBCore compatible now. Although I haven’t tested; was pretty simple few functions.

Awesome release! Finally a decent trick or treating script! Thank you!

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Can you add also a Trick from ped? Like they can hurt you or give bad items

when ox_lib skill minigame :ox:

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bro as always nice work

great release! thank you

For some reason its not telling me what I get from the peds who spawn, if I don’t have the item in the server I get “item doesn’t exist” . but If I do, it doesn’t say anything and doesn’t put anything in the inventory - using qbcore

Oof any update? I was about to download it.

Going to look further into it now. I do not use QBCore so I will see what went wrong one moment.

I just have someone test that uses QBCore and they reported back that it works great.

They did suggest that anyone who uses possibly remove “money” from the Config.Treats if you have it present.

Seems like only 1 person can do 1 house. So if someone dose a house someone else can not go to that house and do it. Anyway we can allow this so it’s one per person not one for whole server etc