[ ESX / QBCORE ] Wasabi's Advanced Admin Menu

Wasabi’s ESX / QBCore Admin Menu🛡️

:shopping_cart:Buy Escrowed - $29.99

:shopping_cart:Buy Open Source - $55.99


This is my first release created purely upon requests of the members in my community. Taking many of the suggestions/requests they’ve provided; I present to you my advanced admin menu. With ace and framework related permissions, ox_lib interface, multiple inventory support, a comprehensive admin zone system, built-in ban system, and everything you would expect from an admin menu; it’s surely a great addition to the Wasabi Scripts collection.



  • Optimized idle of 0.00ms
  • ESX / QBCore / Qbox compatible
  • Secure events and callbacks (No pesky modders)
  • Compatible with inventories: ox_inventory, qb-inventory, qs-inventory, mf-inventory, esx-inventory, cheeza, and custom can be added (Optional)
  • Compatible skin menus: esx_skin, qb-clothing, fivem-appearance, and custom can be added (Optional)
  • Compatible car lock systems: wasabi_carlock, qb-vehiclekeys, jacksam and custom can be added (Optional)
  • Compatible fuel systems: legacyfuel, ox_fuel or any other system (Optional)


  • Ace permission accessible (Configurable)
  • Framework user group accessible (QBCore / ESX / Qbox - Configurable)

Self Management:

  • View health of self
  • Toggle no clip
  • Toggle invincible
  • Toggle invisible
  • Revive self
  • Heal self
  • Open skin menu (Compatible skin menus above)
  • Set ped (Configurable peds in peds.lua)

Player Management:

  • View list of online players and their IDs
  • Manage health if player
  • View money and accounts of player
  • Give account money / items to players
  • View inventory of player (Compatible inventories above)
  • Clear inventory of player (Compatible inventories above)
  • Give player skin menu (Compatible skin menus above)
  • Freeze player
  • Toggle no clip player
  • Toggle invincible player
  • Toggle invisible player
  • Bring / go to players
  • Ban / kick players

Server Management:

  • View / manage active bans
  • Delete all cars (without player drivers)
  • Delete all peds
  • Delete all objects
  • Set weather for server
  • Send global admin announcement
  • Send job specific admin announcement

Built-in Ban System:

  • Ban players via menu or command for set time (Configurable)
  • View, edit, and delete active bans in the Server Management section of the menu

Vehicle Options:

  • Spawn vehicle with custom colors, license plate, and option of max mods
  • Repair vehicle
  • Change plate of vehicle
  • Delete closest vehicle
  • Refuel vehicle
  • Toggle door lock status of closest vehicle
  • Change color of vehicle
  • Set vehicle to max fuel (Compatible fuel scripts above)
  • Modify torque of vehicle

Developer Options:

  • Toggle debug mode (A raycast for getting entity/object information such as coords and hash. Also option to delete entity)
  • Copy vector3 coords to clipboard
  • Copy vector4 coords to clipboard


  • ban, kick, no clip, search inventory, clear inventory, and skin menu commands (Configurable)

Admin Zones:

  • Create, edit, and manage defined admin zones
  • Ability to set name, blip, color, and size of zone upon creation
  • Ability to set if people are automatically revived within the zone
  • Ability to set if people are automatically disarmed within the zone
  • Ability to set if people are invincible within the zone
  • Ability to set speed limit within zone for vehicles
  • View active admin zones, edit them, delete them, or teleport to them

Many updates planned and suggestions being actively implemented!


Config = {}

Config.MenuPosition = 'top-right' -- Menu position when open (Options: 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right')
Config.OpenKey = 'F9' -- Default key for opening admin menu
Config.UsingVehicleKeys = 'qb' -- Supported options: 'wasabi' for wasabi_carlock / 'qb' for qb-vehiclekeys / 'jaksam' for jacksam_carlock / 'custom' for custom in modifyme.lua -- Set to false if not needed
Config.SkinMenu = 'qb' -- 'esx_skin' = ESX Skin / 'qb' = qb-clothing / 'fivem-appearance' = FiveM appearance / 'custom' = custom in modifyme.lua
Config.FuelSystem = 'legacyfuel' -- Supported options: 'ox' - ox_fuel/ 'legacyfuel' - LegacyFuel / false - anything else
Config.Inventory = 'qb' -- Current options: 'ox' (For ox_inventory) / 'qb' (For qb-inventory) 'mf' (For mf inventory) / 'qs' (For qs_inventory) / 'cheeza' (for chezza inventory) -- false for none (Can be edited in modifyme.lua)
Config.SpeedMeasurement = 'mph' -- Options: 'mph' or 'kmh'

Config.AdminPerms = { -- Different ways of defining who has permission to access and utilize the admin menu
    UserGroups = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable usergroups from framework (Esx/QBCore), example/common groups below by default.
        Groups = {
        --  'mod',
    -- If ace perms are desired, an example of ace perms to set in server.cfg:--
    -- add_ace group.admin 'wasabi.adminmenu.allow' allow                     --
    AcePerms = { enabled = true, AcePerm = 'wasabi.adminmenu.allow' } 

--- Commands
Config.Commands = {
    Ban = { 
        enabled = true, -- Enable ban command?
        command = 'ban' -- Command (Default: 'ban')
        -- Example: /ban ID_HERE OPTIONAL_REASON_HERE
        -- Indefinite ban. Use menu for temporary ban
    Kick = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable kick command?
        command = 'kick' -- Command (Default: 'kick')
        -- Example: /kick ID_HERE OPTIONAL_REASON_HERE
    NoClip = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable noclip command?
        command = 'noclip' -- Command (Default: 'noclip')
        -- Example: /noclip
    SearchInv = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable searchinv command?
        command = 'searchinv' -- Command (Default: 'searchinv')
        -- Example: /searchinv ID_HERE (Opens target inventory)
    ClearInv = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable clearinv command?
        command = 'clearinv' -- Command (Default: 'clearinv')
        -- Example: /clearinv ID_HERE (Clears target inventory)
    SkinMenu = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable skinmenu command?
        command = 'skinmenu' -- Command (Default: 'skinmenu')
        -- Example: /skinmenu ID_HERE (Opens skin menu on target's screen)

Config.Weathers = {
    {label = 'Clear Skies', value = 'CLEAR'},
    {label = 'Extra Sunny', value = 'EXTRASUNNY'},
    {label = 'Cloudy', value = 'CLOUDS'},
    {label = 'Foggy', value = 'FOGGY'},
    {label = 'Thunder', value = 'THUNDER'},
    {label = 'Rainy', value = 'RAIN'},
    {label = 'Halloween', value = 'HALLOWEEN'},
    {label = 'Snow Light', value = 'SNOWLIGHT'},
    {label = 'XMAS', value = 'XMAS'}

Config.Ban = { --- value = ban time in hours
    {label = '2 Hours', value = 2}, 
    {label = '24 Hours', value = 24},
    {label = '1 Week', value = 168},
    {label = 'Permanent', value = 'perm'}

Config.Jobs = { -- label value is for how it is displayed in the menu. name must be exact as in your jobs database/table
    { label = 'Police', name = 'police' },
    { label = 'EMS', name = 'ambulance' },
    { label = 'Mechanic', name = 'mechanic' },
    { label = 'Car Dealer', name = 'cardealer' }

Config.Noclip = {
     FirstPersonWhileNoclip = true,
     DefaultSpeed = 1.0,
     MaxSpeed = 12.0,
     Controls = {
         DecreaseSpeed = 14, -- Mouse wheel down
         IncreaseSpeed = 15, -- Mouse wheel up
         MoveFoward = 32, -- W
         MoveBackward = 33, -- S
         MoveLeft = 34, -- A
         MoveRight = 35, -- D
         MoveUp = 44, -- Q
         MoveDown = 46, -- E
     Particle = {
         Fxname = 'core',
         Effectname = 'ent_dst_elec_fire_sp'

Config.VehicleColors = { --- https://pastebin.com/pwHci0xK
    { label = 'Red', value = 27 },
    { label = 'Black', value = 0 },
    { label = 'Sunset Red', value = 33 },
    { label = 'Hot Pink', value = 135 },
    { label = 'Salmon Pink', value = 136 },
    { label = 'Dark Green', value = 49 },
    { label = 'Surf Blue', value = 68 },
    { label = 'Woodbeech Brown', value = 102 },
    { label = 'Cast Iron Silver', value = 10 },
    { label = 'Ice White', value = 111 },
    { label = 'Cream', value = 107 },
    { label = 'Frost White', value = 112 }

Config.TorqueMultiplier = { --- https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xB59E4BD37AE292DB
    { label = 'Off', value = 1.0 },
    { label = '25%', value = 4.0 },
    { label = '50%', value = 8.0 },
    { label = '75%', value = 10.0 },
    { label = '100%', value = 100.0 }


Link to video(Just in case)

Please report any issues/requests via PM or the support server!

:shopping_cart:Buy Escrowed - $29.99

:shopping_cart:Buy Open Source - $55.99

My Other Releases:

Code is accessible Partially (Escrowed) / Open Source Option Available
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~3000+
Requirements es_extended OR qb-core, ox_lib, oxmysql, wasabi_bridge(Included with purchase)
Support Yes

are we of one mind? :grin:

but in my opinion, yours is cooler!
very good work :grin:


Great script as allways !

1 Like

what can you say aside from WASABI’S GREAT. :heart_eyes: another gr8 release

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Absolutely love the work you do! Would highly reccomend!


another great script from wasabi! keep up the good work dude!

Another amazing release from one of the best creators

Wasabi strikes again with another amazing script! It’s packed with so many useful features that make server management a lot easier. It seems like every option is covered. Great job on creating such a versatile and user-friendly script! 10 :star:

There’s only one thing that it doesnt have right now. Maybe in a future update.

  • Spectate option
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Great idea and I forgot!
This will be added to first update along with a few other great features I’ve had suggested from my testing team.

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i really love that great script. i love all script right now using wasabi_police and Wasabi_ambulance. :heart:

Good script as always, lots of extras, optimization… EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! Keep it going, my broter! <3

So with eyes closed, I can buy this script. All these scripts are wonderful and provide a new way to manage and play on an RP server. Don’t hesitate and dive into any of these creations. Wasabi, keep up the great work. :slight_smile:


Do you have any anticheeze that you’ve tested it with to see the compatibility?

Right now i’m using tx’s adm.menu and Easy.adm, i’ll might get rid of Easy.adm, it’s getting old even if it covers up the most useful features.

I’m also using Choco’s pannel which covers 100% of the important things on a server so wondering if yours will be compatible with an anticheez’s adm.menu, even if i dont see why it would not.


TOP ADMIN MENU EVER , recommmended on 100%! <3

Wasabis scripts are amazing, i use the police script and love it.

Best admin menu.

Really nice thats what i was waiting for

Very good script !