[ ESX / QBCORE ] Wasabi's Evidence System

Wasabi’s ESX/QBCore Evidence System🔍

:shopping_cart:Buy Escrowed - $24.99

:shopping_cart:Buy Open Source - $49.99


This script was created as an addition to my Advanced Police Job and has now grown in to it’s own resource that will accompany any police job quite nicely! I plan to add many things to this script such as meta data support across the 3-4 main inventories.


  • Optimized with 0.00ms idle(0.01ms wielding gun)
  • Multiple crime lab locations
  • Can add any job to have the ability to process and collect evidence
  • Choice to let criminals destroy evidence
  • Fingerprint scanning for exposing identity to certain evidence(Configurable)
  • Ability to assign hands or gloves to not leave evidence(Configurable)
  • Configurable item requirement to destroy blood (By default Bleach Wipes)
  • Configurable auto delete of evidence from ground(By default enabled and set to 15 minutes)
  • Everything is configurable in regards to the information returned in evidence reports(Could easily implement your own parameters if you have any coding knowledge / examples included)
  • Gather blood, bullets, and fingerprints
  • Optional use of target system (Supports ox_target, qb-target, and qtarget out of the box)
  • Customizable strings for easy language support
  • Customizable notifications(Add your own)
  • Customizable Text UI(Add your own)
  • Supports both ESX and QBCore
  • Much more added all the time!

Frequent updates / feature additions planned so stay tuned!


local minutes, seconds = 60000, 1000
Config = {}

-- General Settings --
Config.PoliceJobs = { -- Police jobs/grades able to use evidence system
    ['police'] = 0, -- ['JOB_NAME'] = GRADE_LEVEL
--  ['sheriff'] = 2 -- Example
Config.CriminalsCanCleanEvidence = {
    enabled = false, -- Criminals are able to clean up bullets/blood when enabled
    requiredBloodCleanItem = 'bleachwipes', -- Item name required in inventory for criminals to wipe blood evidence
    removeBloodCleanItemOnUse = true, -- Remove item when clean blood
Config.MaxEvidence = 5 -- Max evidence that can be collected at once prior to going to evidence lab for analyzing
Config.FlashlightRange = 15 -- Default: 15 / Distance one can see evidence with flashlight (MUST BE ABOVE 2)
Config.AutoDestroy = 5 * minutes -- Auto destory evidence after so long (Default 5 * minutes / Set to false if no destroy)
Config.BloodProps = true -- Have prop on ground for blood splatter
Config.BossCanDeleteStorage = true -- Boss ranks can delete storage from storage(If enabled)

-- Evidence Settings --
Config.AnalyzingTime = 6 * seconds -- Time it takes to analyze evidence at the crime lab

Config.VehicleFingerPrinting = {
    enabled = true, -- Enable finger printing vehicle steering wheel?
    requiredItem = 'uvlight',
    removeOnUse = false -- Remove the finger printing device on use

Config.EvidenceReportData = { -- Data it provides in evidence reports
    -- Add custom parameters if desired and accomodate them in `client/cl_customize.lua` under OpenEvidenceReport()
    -- You can remove/add any of these OR re-order them to display to your likings!
    blood = { -- Will be displayed in evidence report in order they are placed in index
            parameter = 'name', -- Argument for OpenEvidenceReport() function
            label = 'Name' -- Label to describe on form

            parameter = 'location', -- Street name(s) and zone names(defined in the Zones table of config.lua)
            label = 'Location'

            parameter = 'date', -- Server date of evidence drop
            label = 'Date'

            parameter = 'time', -- Server time of evidence drop
            label = 'Time'

            parameter = 'lab', -- Crime lab that processed evidence
            label = 'Crime Lab'

--      {
--          parameter = 'bloodtype', -- Example of a custom parameter named 'bloodtype'
--          label = 'Blood Type' -- Using custom logic labeled in `client/cl_customize.lua` under GetBloodTypeFromCitizenId(citizenid) function (Works out of box if uncommented AND running QBCore)
--      },

--      {
--          parameter = 'custom', -- Example of a custom parameter named 'custom'
--          label = 'License #' -- Using logic from the 'data' table in `client/cl_customize.lua` under OpenEvidenceReport() function of identifier/citizenid
--      },


    bullet = { -- Will be displayed in evidence report in order they are placed in index
            parameter = 'name', -- Argument for OpenEvidenceReport() function
            label = 'Name:' -- Label to describe on form
            parameter = 'guntype',
            label = 'Bullet Type'
            parameter = 'location',
            label = 'Location'
            parameter = 'date',
            label = 'Date'
            parameter = 'time',
            label = 'Time'

            parameter = 'lab', -- Crime lab that processed evidence
            label = 'Crime Lab'

--      {
--          parameter = 'custom', -- Example of a custom parameter named 'custom'
--          label = 'License #' -- Using logic from the 'data' table in `client/cl_customize.lua` under OpenEvidenceReport() function of identifier/citizenid
--      },
    print = { -- Evidence related to finger prints
            parameter = 'name', -- Argument for OpenEvidenceReport() function
            label = 'Name:' -- Label to describe on form
            parameter = 'plate',
            label = 'License Plate'
            parameter = 'location',
            label = 'Location'
            parameter = 'date',
            label = 'Date'
            parameter = 'time',
            label = 'Time'

            parameter = 'lab', -- Crime lab that processed evidence
            label = 'Crime Lab'

--      {
--          parameter = 'custom', -- Example of a custom parameter named 'custom'
--          label = 'License #' -- Using logic from the 'data' table in `client/cl_customize.lua` under OpenEvidenceReport() function of identifier/citizenid
--      },


-- Locations --
Config.EvidenceLabs = { -- Locations where Config.PoliceJobs can analyze evidence

-- Copy starting here to add new location
    LSPD = {

        label = 'LSPD', -- Label to display during certain situations/notifications

        analyze = {
            coords = vec3(483.63, -987.9, 30.68), -- Coords for location(If target is not enabled)
            range = 1.8, -- Range to show TextUI (If target is not enabled)
            label = '[E] - Analyze Evidence', -- TextUI string(If target is not enabled)
            target = {
                enabled = false, -- Enable Target? (Can be customized in cl_customize.lua the target system)
                label = 'Analyze Evidence',
                coords = vec3(483.63, -987.9, 30.68),
                heading = 181.42,
                width = 2.0,
                length = 1.0,
                minZ = 30.68-0.9,
                maxZ = 30.68+0.9

        storage = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable archive access in-game via storage location?
            coords = vec3(480.84, -984.55, 30.68), -- Coords for location(If target is not enabled)
            range = 1.8, -- Range to show TextUI (If target is not enabled)
            label = '[E] - Access Evidence Storage', -- TextUI string(If target is not enabled)
            target = {
                enabled = false, -- Enable Target? (Can be customized in cl_customize.lua the target system)
                label = 'Access Evidence Storage',
                coords = vec3(480.84, -984.55, 30.68),
                heading = 87.87,
                width = 2.0,
                length = 1.0,
                minZ = 30.68-0.9,
                maxZ = 30.68+0.9
        jobLock = false, -- Put job here if want this specific crime lab locked to only one job (Must be job listed in 'Config.PoliceJobs', --
                         -- leave as false if all Config.PoliceJobs can access)                                                             --
                         -- Can be string (ex. 'police' or table ex. {'police', 'sheriff'})                                                 --
-- Stop copying here and paste below, and rename LSPD to something else and re-configure for additional locations


Special Note For ESX Users: 100% functional/tested for ESX 1.2 and above; there is no guarantee at this time for older versions of es_extended!


Link to video(Just in case)

Please report any issues/requests via PM or the support server!

:shopping_cart:Buy Escrowed - $24.99

:shopping_cart:Buy Open Source - $49.99

My Other Releases:


Code is accessible Partially (Escrowed) / Open Source Option Avaliable
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000+
Requirements es_extended OR qb-core, ox_lib, oxmysql OR mysql-async, wasabi_bridge(included with purchase)
Support Yes

other big project !

Can be cool to add option for show name or not :slight_smile:

because it’s for me… win RP to see a name and lastname on bullet :stuck_out_tongue:

we can’t know if player used gloves or not. ^^

EDIT : i see in config… we can remove the name <3 you are the best


Most advanced script maker! Keep it going, WASABI!

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Cook scripts
It’s very amazing
Highly recommended script very helpful to my server

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Definitely gonna buy it at one point

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Can’t wait to grab this and implement all the new features with PD & Ambulance

This will go right along with ALL THE OTHER WASABI SCRIPTS SO PERFECT!
10/10 everytime


Best for pd rp

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Such a cool project

Wasabi makes cool scripts and some for free :sunglasses:

Wasabi = W :star_struck:

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Wow awesome job as always by wasabi


Looks amazing and i can’t wait to get it into my server and put it to action!

Another Wasabi W


This looks cool af ! Nice job <3

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just amazing thing!


A great additional RP for Police and Gangs. Wasabi’s scripts are really the best!


First of all a good script, I believe you put a lot of time, effort and nerves into creating something like this. You have my full support! Respect +

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Some of the best scripts on the market!!

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nice script :heart_eyes:

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A script still very good for rp. All the scripts are really great and ideal for rp. The support follows well in case of problem. Keep it up guys


Outstanding script creator and delivers amazing support everytime!!!
Keep making such great scripts bro🙌


One of the top scripter’s out there! Been using wasabi’s scripts for quite some time and recently got the advanced jobs and love them. Keep up the great work!


I would love to try this, looks amazing.