[PAID][ESX] Wasabi's Multi Job System [Job & Boss Menus][UPDATED 8/28/22]

Wasabi’s ESX Multi Job System

Originally created for my personal FiveM server; *wasabi_multijob* is a solution to the issue revolving around players being restricted to one job alone. What started out as a simple multi-job menu has now evolved into a full boss menu/default boss menu replacement.

:heavy_dollar_sign:Buy Here(Escrow) - $14.99:heavy_dollar_sign:

:heavy_dollar_sign:Buy Here(Unlocked) - $36.99:heavy_dollar_sign:


  • Fully optimized

  • Adds all jobs to menu when player is awarded job they have not been awarded prior

  • Allows players to easily go on/off duty

  • Allows players to easily switch between a series of jobs

  • Boss menus that you can place anywhere, for any job, in the config with ease

  • Boss menus can be used to change rank/fire employees regardless if they are online or offline

  • Boss menu reads from wasabi_multijob SQL table rather than job column of users table (This ensures all employees are listed regardless of if they are clocked in & that the job is removed from list when fired)

  • Replace stock ESX boss menus

  • Ability to give bonuses to employees banks via boss menu even if employee is offline.

  • User’s active job will switch to the default off duty/unemployed job if they delete said job while on duty

  • Ability to blacklist jobs from being added to job menu (i.e. prisoner) *New!

  • Tasteful icons *New!

  • Automatically adds addon_account data and addon_account_data tables if needed (For easily adding boss menus without having to add data to SQL manually) *New!

  • Frequent updates and additions planned

  • Full support provided


View Here
Config = {}

Config.JobMenuCommand = 'jobs' -- Command you want for opening job menu(/jobs default)
Config.JobMenuKey = 'F5' -- Configure to whichever desired key. Set to false if undesired

Config.MaxJobs = 4 -- Maximum jobs a player can have in their menu(Set to false to disable limit)

Config.OffDutyJob = {-- Job it switches you to while off duty.
    name = 'unemployed',
    grade = 0

Config.blacklist = { -- Jobs you don't want awarded to menu when given to player(I.e prisoner)
--  ['JOB_HERE'] = true,
    ['prisoner'] = true,

Config.BossMenus = { -- Configurable boss menus(Good for adding boss menus for any job that has a 'boss' grade)
    enabled = true, -- Easily disable completely by switching to false
    marker = { -- Marker configuration
        type = 27,
        color = {r = 50, g = 50, b = 204},
        drawDistance = 10
    locations = { -- Add/edit boss menu locations for defined jobs(Jobs must have a 'boss' grade to access menu)
    --  { coords = vector3(XX.XX, XX.XX, XX.XX), job = 'JOB_NAME_HERE' }, -- EXAMPLE
        {coords = vector3(-576.1141, -936.6058, 28.69531-0.9), job = "police", label = "POLICE"},
        {coords = vector3(334.95, -594.01, 43.28-0.9), job = "ambulance", label = "EMS"},

Strings = {
    -- All strings for language change purposes

    -- Notifications
    ['hired_header'] = 'You\'ve been Hired!',
    ['hired_content'] = 'A job has been awarded in your job menu.',
    ['alr_clocked'] = 'Already Clocked In',
    ['alr_clocked_desc'] = 'You are already clocked in to this job.',
    ['clocked_out'] = 'Clocked Out',
    ['clocked_out_desc'] = 'You have successfully clocked out.',
    ['deleted'] = 'Deleted',
    ['deleted_desc'] = 'Job successfully deleted.',
    ['no_perm'] = 'No Permision',
    ['no_perm_desc'] = 'You are not authorized to access this!',
    ['invalid_amount'] = 'Invalid Amount',
    ['invalid_amount_desc'] = 'Please input a valid amount!',
    ['deposit_successful'] = 'Deposit Successful',
    ['deposit_successful_desc'] = 'You have successfully deposited $%s in to the business account',
    ['lacking_funds'] = 'Lacking Funds',
    ['lacking_funds_desc'] = 'You don\'t have enough cash for this transaction',
    ['withdrawal_funds'] = 'Withdrawal Funds',
    ['withdrawal_successful'] = 'Withdrawal Successful',
    ['withdrawal_successful_desc'] = 'You have successfully withdrawaled $%s from the business account',
    ['success'] = 'Success',
    ['success_desc'] = 'Action Successful!',
    ['invalid_id'] = 'Invalid ID',
    ['invalid_id_desc'] = 'Player not found with ID entered',
    ['hire_success'] = 'Hire Successful',
    ['hire_success_desc'] = 'You have successfully hired %s',
    ['bonus_success_desc'] = 'You successfully send %s a $%s bonus',
    ['bonus_title'] = 'Bonus Received!',
    ['bonus_msg'] = 'You were granted a $%s employment bonus from %s.',
    ['no_money'] = 'Insufficient Funds',
    ['no_money_desc'] = 'There are not enough funds for this action',
    ['delete_confirm'] = 'Caution!',
    ['delete_confirm_desc'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this job?',
    ['fire_confirm_desc'] = 'Are you sure you wish to fire this employee?',
    ['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled',
    ['cancelled_desc'] = 'You cancelled your previous action',
    ['fired'] = 'Employee Terminated',
    ['fired_desc'] = 'You successfully fired the employee',

    --Main Menu
    ['offduty_header'] = 'Off Duty',
    ['clockedin_job'] = 'Current Job:',
    ['grade_label'] = 'Position:',
    ['no_jobs'] = 'No Saved Jobs!',
    ['nojob_desc'] = 'Try applying at local businesses',
    ['jobs_menu'] = 'Jobs Menu',
    ['go_back'] = '< Go Back',

    -- Job Clock In / Out / Delete Menu
    ['clock_in'] = 'Clock In',
    ['clock_out'] = 'Clock Out',
    ['delete_job'] = 'Delete Job',

    -- Boss Menu
    ['employee_list'] = 'Employee List',
    ['employee_count'] = 'You currently have %s employees',
    ['society_funds'] = 'Manage Funds',
    ['society_funds_desc'] = 'Total Funds:',
    ['currency'] = '$',
    ['deposit_funds'] = 'Deposit Funds',
    ['withdrawal_funds'] = 'Withdrawal Funds',
    ['amount'] = 'Amount:',
    ['job_position'] = 'Position:',
    ['job_salary'] = 'Salary:',
    ['edit_rank'] = 'Promote/Demote',
    ['edit_rank_desc'] = 'Position: %s | Salary: $%s',
    ['fire_employee'] = 'Terminate Employment',
    ['employee_list'] = 'Employees',
    ['current_position'] = '(Current)',
    ['hire_employee'] = 'Hire Employee',
    ['hire_employee_desc'] = 'Hire someone by ID',
    ['player_id'] = 'Player\'s ID:',
    ['give_bonus'] = 'Give Bonus',
    ['give_bonus_desc'] = 'Send an employee a bonus',
    ['open_boss_menu_3d'] = '[~b~E~w~] Access Boss Menu'

Video Preview(Older check server banner for new icons/look):

Link to video(Just in case)

:heavy_dollar_sign:Buy Here(Escrow) - $14.99:heavy_dollar_sign:

:heavy_dollar_sign:Buy Here(Unlocked) - $36.99:heavy_dollar_sign:

My Other Releases:

Code is accessible Config.lua
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000+
Requirements es_extended, mysql-async or oxmysql, and ox_lib
Support 100% Full Support

amazing he kept me up to date while updating it and its actually the best multijob system

are you sure :rofl: ?

nice work bro as always


Thank you :blush:

qbcore soon?

Originally created for my server (ESX) but should not have problems porting for QBCore. I will do very soon.

lmao XDDDD

Recently updated it icons and other features 8/28/22


Hey i sent you a message any way maybe you could take a look at it please.

Why not add the message here since already using my thread to get him to contact back? :thinking:

hi i want to ask a question that if we put multi job script to our server we need to remove our jobs like police , ambulance ? or multi job work with that scripts ?

No works with them. You may need to either remove the boss menus from those jobs or follow documentation on replacing all ESX boss menus with this alternative :slight_smile:

1 Like

thank you very much

Hey, hey we would like to change our multijob script since it is not multichar capable. We are thinking to buy yours for the server, because it looks better and I hope it is multichar capable.

The question is: Is your multijobscript multichar (using script myMultichar) capable?

Greetings Rambow

Yes it works fine with multi characters. How does it save in SQL the identifier in the users table?

Before the identifier number is always counted up numerically with a colon. 1:xyz , 2:xyz, 3:xyz, 4:xyz and so on

Hey, just bought it, and unfortunately it is not multichar capable with our multichar script.

Reach me on where I list support, and lets see we can get working for your multicharacter.

when giving someone a job, they have the same job 5 times, any fix for this?