*Credits for the thumbnails
Hey guys!
With this script blips are marked on the map after using a certain item!
Very cool to start events or to keep certain routes secret.
With this you can give your server a new adventure touch!
You can create as many items with blips as you want.
Each item can contain as many blips as you need and each blip can be customized!
A timer can decide for each item, how long the corresponding blips should be visible.
Item can be automatically removed after usage if you like to.
ESX and QB-Core ready
- ESX OR QB-Core
Info: Script is secured with FiveM Assest Escrow System!
Config = {}
-- Framework setting --
Config.Framework = "QB" -- "ESX", "QB"
Config.BlipItems = {
["tressure"] = {
removeItemOnUsage = true,
coordList = {
coord = vector3(785.2, 1711.24, 176.32),
display = "Tressure 1",
blip = 51,
color = 5,
scale = 0.8,
coord = vector3(885.2, 1711.24, 176.32),
display = "Tressure 2",
blip = 51,
color = 5,
scale = 0.8,
active = false, -- dont touch this!
blipList = {}, -- dont touch this!
useTimer = true,
timerActive = false, -- dont touch this!
time = 10000, -- timer length in ms
remaingTime = 0 -- dont touch this!
-- Simple Debug function --
Config.useDebug = true
Config.debug = function(msg)
if Config.useDebug then
print("[DEBUG] " .. msg)
-- Function to customize the client notify style --
Config.clientNotify = function(header, msg, timer, type)
DrawNotification(0, 1)
--exports['okokNotify']:Alert(header, msg, timer, type)
➥ Have a look at my other Scripts
[ESX/QB] Clothingshop, Wardrobe, IngameCreator and more!
[ESX/QB] Christmas Advent Calendar
[ESX/QB] Insurance & Membershipsystem
[ESX/QB] Advance Tax-System
[ESX/QB] EmergencyPhone - Leitstellensystem
[ESX/QB] Visa-/Visumsystem
[ESX/QB] Duty Blips - See which business is online!
[ESX] Business Cards
[ESX] Random Dealer
[ESX] Simcards
[ESX] noHUD Notify
[ESX] Vehicle Tracker (with Police functions)
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 300 |
Requirements | ESX or QB-Core |
Support | Yes |