*Credits for the UI-Design
➥ ESX and QBCore
➥ Simple and Clean UI
➥ Clean code (Easy to edit and customize)
➥ Webhooks to keep control
➥ Gift Items, Money or Vehicles
➥ Possibility to open doors of days gone by
➥ Background Music as long as the calendar is open (can be easyily changed)
➥ Sound when opening a door
➥ 4 Options to open the calendar (Item, Command, NPC/Location, Hotkey)
➥ Support for ox_target and qb-target (For NPC open option)
➥ Encrypted and open source version of the script
➥ …much more (see config)
Short video to show some of the functions.
Config File
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.useDebug = true
-- Choose your framework (esx or qb)
-- Framework compatibility can be edited by your own in the bridge folder
-- if you bought the open script version
Config.Framework = "esx" -- "esx" or "qb"
-- In which garage should the vehicles be placed?
Config.StandardGarageESX = "SanAndreasAvenue"
Config.StandardGarageQB = "pillboxgarage"
-- Should the calendar be in test mode? (true/false)
-- Test mode will allow you to open the calendar as many times as you want
-- regardless of the date of the day.
Config.TestMode = false
-- Should be play a backround music when opening the calendar? (true/false)
Config.backgroudMusic = true
-- Command to open the calendar (nil to disable)
Config.openCommand = 'advent'
-- Key to open the calendar (nil to disable)
Config.openKey = "F6" -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
-- Item to open the calendar (nil to disable)
Config.openItem = 'advent'
-- Location to open the calendar
Config.openLocation = {
useNPC = true, -- Should be an NPC at the location? (true/false)
location = vector4(215.8432, -870.2720, 30.4921, 251.4910),
MenuLoctationHelpText = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to open the Advent Calendar', -- Help text for the location
npc = 'mp_m_freemode_01',
targetScript = "ox_target", -- nil, "ox_target", "qb-target"
clothing = {
helmet_1 = 22, helmet_2 = 0,
mask_1 = 8, mask_2 = 0,
shirt_1 = 74, shirt_2 = 1,
torso_1 = 116, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 4,
pants_1 = 22, pants_2 = 3,
shoes_1 = 17, shoes_2 = 0,
-- Should the Screen be blurred when opening the calendar? (true/false)
Config.BlurScreen = true
-- Should players be able to open the doors of the days that have already passed?
Config.OpenDoorsOfGoneByDays = true
-- Should missed doors been greyed out?
-- Turn it to false if you Config.OpenDoorsOfGoneByDays = true
Config.greyOutMissedDoors = true
-- Should opened doors been greyed out?
Config.greyOutOpenedDoors = true
Config.Days = {
[1] = {
doorIndex = 1,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[2] = {
doorIndex = 2,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[3] = {
doorIndex = 3,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[4] = {
doorIndex = 4,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[5] = {
doorIndex = 5,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[6] = {
doorIndex = 6,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[7] = {
doorIndex = 7,
giftType = 'money', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'money', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1000$', -- label for the UI
amount = 1000, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/money.png",
message = 'You received 1000$', -- optional
[8] = {
doorIndex = 8,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[9] = {
doorIndex = 9,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[10] = {
doorIndex = 10,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[11] = {
doorIndex = 11,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[12] = {
doorIndex = 12,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[13] = {
doorIndex = 13,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[14] = {
doorIndex = 14,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[15] = {
doorIndex = 15,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[16] = {
doorIndex = 16,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[17] = {
doorIndex = 17,
giftType = 'item', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'bread', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = '1x Bread', -- label for the UI
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/bread.png",
message = 'You received a bread', -- optional
[18] = {
doorIndex = 18,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
[19] = {
doorIndex = 19,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
[20] = {
doorIndex = 20,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
[21] = {
doorIndex = 21,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
[22] = {
doorIndex = 22,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
[23] = {
doorIndex = 23,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money"
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
[24] = {
doorIndex = 24,
giftType = 'vehicle', -- "money", "item" or "vehicle",
giftOptions = {
name = 'adder', -- "item_name", "vehicle_name" or the money type (e.g. "money", "bank" or "black_money")
UILabel = 'New vehicle: Adder',
amount = 1, -- money or item amount (vehicle amount is always 1)
giftImage = "/web/images/gifticons/vehicle.png",
message = 'You received a vehicle', -- optional
➥ Have a look at my other Scripts
[ESX/QB] Clothingshop, Wardrobe, IngameCreator and more!
[ESX/QB] Advance Tax-System
[ESX/QB] EmergencyPhone - Leitstellensystem
[ESX/QB] Visa-/Visumsystem
[ESX/QB] Duty Blips - See which business is online!
[ESX/QB] Item Blips - Reveal Blips on Item usage!
[ESX] Business Cards
[ESX] Random Dealer
[ESX] Simcards
[ESX] noHUD Notify
[ESX] Vehicle Tracker (with Police functions)
Code is accessible | Encrypted & Open Source Version |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~1200 |
Requirements | ESX, QBCORE |
Support | Yes |