Tebex [4.99€ incl. VAT] - Source Code
- 3 in 1 Shop System
- Itemshop (Buy Items)
- Weaponshop (Buy Weapons)
- Pawnshop (Sell Items and Weapons)
- Set as many Shops as you want
- Set your own Notification [config.lua]
- Set a Shopname for every Shop
- Set the license that a player needs to buy an item or weapon
- You can buy the corresponding license in this shop
- Set Jobs and Grades who can access the Shop
- Set a Pedmodel or Marker with 3dText
- Set different Blips for every Shop and turn it on or off
- Set as many locations for every Shop as you want
- Set as many items or weapons that you want
- Set NativeUI Custom Banner for each shop individually
Stock/Storage Feature
- You can set an max amount of every item in database.
- If the amount is 0 then you cant buy this item anymore.
- If you sell an item then the amount will be added so you can buy the item again.
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'de' -- 'de', 'en'
Config.VersionChecker = true
Config.Debug = true
-- Add the Webhook Link in server_discordlog.lua
Config.DiscordLog = true
Config.botColor = "6205745"
Config.botName = "MSK Shops"
Config.botAvatar = "https://i.imgur.com/PizJGsh.png"
Config.Hotkey = 38 -- default: 38 = E // Change the Key in translation.lua too
Config.npcVoice = {
enable = true, -- The NPC will say something to you
inRange = 5.0,
outRange = 5.0
Config.defaultTextUI = true -- Set false if you want to use a custom textui
Config.openTextUI = function(currentShop)
exports['okokTextUI']:Open(Translation[Config.Locale]['open_shop_textui']:format(currentShop.label), 'darkblue', 'left')
-- exports["esx_textui"]:TextUI(Translation[Config.Locale]['open_shop_textui']:format(currentShop.label), 'info')
Config.closeTextUI = function()
-- exports["esx_textui"]:HideUI()
-- It's like a Storagesystem for all Shops configured below.
-- You can set an max Amount of every item in database. If the amount is 0 then you cant buy this item anymore but still sell it.
-- Default Amount is 200 that will be set if the item is not in database and has to inserted.
-- Items will be uploaded to database automatically so you don't have to do anything :)
Config.useStorage = true -- Set true if you want to use that Feature
-- !!! This function is clientside AND serverside !!!
Config.Notification = function(source, message)
if IsDuplicityVersion() then -- serverside
MSK.Notification(source, message)
else -- clientside
Config.Shops = {
['24/7'] = {
label = '24/7 Shop',
customBanner = {enable = true, removeTitle = true, banner = 'shopui_title_conveniencestore', x = 512, y = 128},
-- Set license type to 'license' or 'item'
license = {enable = true, type = 'license', label = 'Weaponlicense', name = 'weapon', method = {'money', 'bank'}, price = 500, buyLicense = true},
addon_account = {enable = false, society = 'society_police'}, -- Money will be added/removed to/from the society account
jobs = {enable = false, jobs = {
{job = 'police', grade = 0},
pedmodel = {enable = true, model = 's_m_y_airworker', distance = 20.0},
text3d = {enable = true, label = '~g~Open 24/7 Shop', size = 0.8},
marker = {enable = true, distance = 5.0, type = 27, size = {a = 0.6, b = 0.6, c = 0.6}, color = {a = 255, b = 255, c = 255}},
blip = {enable = true, id = 59, color = 2, scale = 0.8},
locations = {
{x = 1727.71, y = 6415.24, z = 35.04, h = 242.06}, -- Paleto Bay
{x = 1697.65, y = 4923.14, z = 42.063, h = 352.85}, -- Grapeseed
{x = 1959.97, y = 3739.96, z = 32.34, h = 288.98}, -- Sandy Shores
{x = 549.25, y = 2671.34, z = 42.156, h = 82.59}, -- Grand Senora
{x = 24.44, y = -1347.33, z = 29.5, h = 266.37}, -- Near Unicorn
{x = -1070.54, y = -2836.5, z = 27.7, h = 283.93}, -- Airport MLO
{x = 372.48, y = 326.74, z = 103.57, h = 248.65}, -- Power Street bei 574
{x = 2556.94, y = 380.71, z = 108.62, h = 342.38},
{x = -3039.04, y = 584.18, z = 7.91, h = 357.0},
{x = -3242.54, y = 999.74, z = 12.830, h = 336.15},
{x = 1134.12, y = -982.77, z = 46.42, h = 279.46},
{x = -1222.16, y = -908.53, z = 12.33, h = 23.5},
{x = -1486.21, y = -377.92, z = 40.163, h = 126.46},
{x = -2966.28, y = 390.67, z = 15.043, h = 85.91},
{x = -47.08, y = -1758.46, z = 29.421, h = 53.42},
{x = 1164.883, y = -323.38, z = 69.21, h = 106.81},
{x = -705.9601, y = -914.250, z = 19.215, h = 110.24},
{x = -1819.8, y = 793.92, z = 138.09, h = 154.0},
{x = 1392.69, y = 3606.548, z = 34.980, h = 186.81}, -- Sandy Shores
{x = 1166.14, y = 2710.830, z = 38.157, h = 168.31}, -- Grand Senora
{x = 2677.75, y = 3279.35, z = 55.22, h = 325.98}, -- East Highway
items = {
-- Set 'type' to 'item' or 'weapon' // If 'weapon' then add 'ammo = 100' // Write Weapons always in BIG LETTERS!! // example: "WEAPON_PISTOL"
-- Set 'license' to true or false // If 'false' you dont need the license to buy this item. // If 'true' you need to buy the license first
-- Set 'price' or 'sellPrice' to false to disable buy or sell function
-- Set 'jobRank' to false or to the number of the rank that can buy this item. // jobRank = 0 means that Rank 0 and everyone above can buy or sell
{type = "item", label = "Bread", name = "bread", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = true, price = 60, sellPrice = 30},
{type = "item", label = "Hamburger", name = "hamburger", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 80, sellPrice = 40},
{type = "item", label = "Water", name = "water", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 45, sellPrice = 20},
{type = "item", label = "Icetea", name = "icetea", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 55, sellPrice = 25},
{type = "item", label = "Fruitjuice", name = "jusfruit", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 50, sellPrice = 25},
{type = "item", label = "Phone", name = "phone", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 1200, sellPrice = 600},
{type = "item", label = "Bandage", name = "bandage", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 76, sellPrice = 40},
{type = "item", label = "Beer", name = "beer", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 85, sellPrice = 40},
{type = "item", label = "Contract", name = "contract", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 150, sellPrice = 80},
{type = "item", label = "Backpack", name = "bag", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 500, sellPrice = 300},
['weaponshop'] = {
label = 'Weaponshop',
customBanner = {enable = true, removeTitle = true, banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub', x = 512, y = 128},
-- Set license type to 'license' or 'item'
license = {enable = true, type = 'license', label = 'Weaponlicense', name = 'weapon', method = {'money', 'bank'}, price = 1500, buyLicense = true},
addon_account = {enable = false, society = 'society_police'}, -- Money will be added/removed to/from the society account
jobs = {enable = false, jobs = {
{job = 'police', grade = 0},
pedmodel = {enable = true, model = 's_m_y_airworker', distance = 20.0},
text3d = {enable = true, label = '~g~Open Weaponshop', size = 0.8},
marker = {enable = true, distance = 5.0, type = 27, size = {a = 0.6, b = 0.6, c = 0.6}, color = {a = 255, b = 255, c = 255}},
blip = {enable = true, id = 110, color = 81, scale = 0.8},
locations = { -- You can set multiple locations
{x = -661.767, y = -933.6132, z = 21.81, h = 153.07}, -- PLZ: 8140
{x = 809.73, y = -2159.09, z = 29.61, h= 334.48}, -- PLZ: 9275
{x = 1692.75, y = 3761.53, z = 34.68, h = 201.25}, -- PLZ: 3018
{x = -331.18, y = 6085.64, z = 31.45, h = 192.75}, -- PLZ: 1034
{x = 253.59, y = -51.44, z = 69.93, h = 51.02}, -- PLZ: 7121
{x = 23.1, y = -1105.6, z = 29.8, h = 164.4}, -- PLZ: 8168
{x = 253.72, y = -51.23, z = 69.93, z = 51.02}, -- PLZ: 7121
{x = -1118.44, y = 2700.46, z = 18.54, h = 201.25}, -- PLZ: 5004
{x = 841.49, y = -1035.32, z = 28.18, h = 342.99}, -- PLZ: 8194
items = {
-- Set 'type' to 'item' or 'weapon' // If 'weapon' then add 'ammo = 100' // Write Weapons always in BIG LETTERS!! // example: "WEAPON_PISTOL"
-- Set 'license' to true or false // If 'false' you dont need the license to buy this item. // If 'true' you need to buy the license first
-- Set 'price' or 'sellPrice' to false to disable buy or sell function
-- Set 'jobRank' to false or to the number of the rank that can buy this item. // jobRank = 0 means that Rank 0 and everyone above can buy or sell
{type = "item", label = "Pistolenmagazin", name = "pistolclip", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 100, sellPrice = 50},
{type = "weapon", label = "Flashlight", name = "WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT", method = {'money', 'bank'}, ammo = 1, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 100, sellPrice = 50},
{type = "weapon", label = "Knife", name = "WEAPON_KNIFE", method = {'money', 'bank'}, ammo = 1, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 100, sellPrice = 50},
{type = "weapon", label = "Bat", name = "WEAPON_BAT", method = {'money', 'bank'}, ammo = 1, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 100, sellPrice = 50},
{type = "weapon", label = "Switchblade", name = "WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE", method = {'money', 'bank'}, ammo = 1, jobRank = 0, license = true, price = 200, sellPrice = 100},
{type = "weapon", label = "Pistol", name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", method = {'money', 'bank'}, ammo = 100, jobRank = 0, license = true, price = 350, sellPrice = 2000},
{type = "weapon", label = "SMG", name = "WEAPON_SMG", method = {'money', 'bank', 'black_money'}, ammo = 100, jobRank = 0, license = true, price = 5000, sellPrice = 3000},
['baumarkt'] = {
label = 'Baumarkt',
customBanner = {enable = true, removeTitle = false, banner = 'banner_blue', x = 512, y = 128},
-- Set license type to 'license' or 'item'
license = {enable = false, type = 'license', label = 'Weaponlicense', name = 'weapon', method = {'money', 'bank'}, price = 500, buyLicense = true},
addon_account = {enable = false, society = 'society_police'}, -- Money will be added/removed to/from the society account
jobs = {enable = false, jobs = {
{job = 'police', grade = 0},
pedmodel = {enable = true, model = 's_m_y_airworker', distance = 20.0},
text3d = {enable = true, label = '~g~Open YouTools', size = 0.8},
marker = {enable = true, distance = 5.0, type = 27, size = {a = 0.6, b = 0.6, c = 0.6}, color = {a = 255, b = 255, c = 255}},
blip = {enable = true, id = 59, color = 2, scale = 0.8},
locations = {
{x = 2749.29, y = 3483.47, z = 55.67, h = 70.64}, -- East Highway
items = {
-- Set 'type' to 'item' or 'weapon' // If 'weapon' then add 'ammo = 100' // Write Weapons always in BIG LETTERS!! // example: "WEAPON_PISTOL"
-- Set 'license' to true or false // If 'false' you dont need the license to buy this item. // If 'true' you need to buy the license first
-- Set 'price' or 'sellPrice' to false to disable buy or sell function
-- Set 'jobRank' to false or to the number of the rank that can buy this item. // jobRank = 0 means that Rank 0 and everyone above can buy or sell
{type = "item", label = "Drill", name = "drill", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 2500, sellPrice = 1800},
{type = "item", label = "Oxygenmask", name = "oxygenmask", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 5000, sellPrice = 3000},
{type = "item", label = "Lockpick", name = "lockpick", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 1500, sellPrice = 800},
{type = "item", label = "Repairkit", name = "fixtool", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 1500, sellPrice = 800},
{type = "item", label = "Cuffs", name = "cuffs", method = {'money', 'bank', 'black_money'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 1120, sellPrice = 700},
{type = "item", label = "Bottle", name = "glasbottle", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, price = 10, sellPrice = 6},
{type = "weapon", label = "Parachute", name = "GADGET_PARACHUTE", method = {'money', 'bank'}, jobRank = 0, license = false, ammo = 1, price = 500, sellPrice = 300},
Optional Requirements
- esx_license
- esx_addonaccount
Code accessible | No |
Subscription based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~ 700 |
Requirements | ESX Legacy, NativeUI, oxmysql, msk_core |
Support | Yes |
Latest Update
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