[FREE] MSK Air Defense / AntiAirCraft

Hello guys!

We have a new free script for you!

Since there are many people who sell this simple product for a price we do not understand,
we decided to write the whole thing for free for you.

Everything important can be seen in the video.

Config = {}

Config.Zones = {
        pos = vector3(1689.3793, 2595.6357, 72.8098), 
        radius = 300.0, 
        allowedJobs = {"police", "ambulance"}, 
        time = 10, -- in seconds, time until vehicle failure
        timeLow = 2, -- in seconds, time until vehicle engine starts slow down again
        Notify = {
            header = 'Flugverbotszone',
            subject = 'Merryweather',
            msg = 'Du befindest dich in einer Flugverbotszone. Du hast %s Sekunde(n) um umzukehren!',
            mugshot = 'CHAR_MP_MERRYWEATHER',
            iconType = 1

Best regards from the MSK-Scripts team!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 51
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes

Our other Scripts




nice work bro thank youuuu very much for this


Update v1.1

  • Added Zone Blips
  • Fixed all reported Bugs

Update v1.2

  • Fixed error with logging()

Update v1.3

  • Fixed Passenger Seat

Wieder einmal ein genial Script von dir! Wäre es möglich nach ablauf des Countdowns evtl. den “Locked” Sound einzufügen? Der normalerweiße erscheint wenn eine Rackete erscheint und jemanden verfolgt.

Ich glaube das wĂĽrde jeder hier feiern. Zur Not als .ogg mit InteractionSounds.

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Mit InteractSound einfach diesen Trigger einfĂĽgen.

TriggerServerEvent('InteractSound_SV:PlayWithinDistance', distance, 'soundfile', volume)

-- Example
TriggerServerEvent('InteractSound_SV:PlayWithinDistance', 5.0, 'cuff', 0.6)

Thank you for releasing this. Since you released this, I saw a lot of same scripts that are being sold. I f**** hate people.

Good Job !

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That’s why we published it for free :slight_smile:

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Du bist einfach eine Legende in der Szene hier

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Glaub ich nicht :smiley: Ich gebe einfach nur mein bestes.