[ESX] esx_tk_jail - Prison Escape, 5 Prison Jobs & More

TK_JAIL V2 (New and improved)


[ Video ]
[ QBCore version ]


I would probably call this script one of the most advanced jailing script you can find. When in jail, players can search places, do 5 different jobs that will give you money or shorten your sentence and even escape from there. Script has been tested with ESX V1 Final, but should work with all ESX versions. If not, you can always contact me!


  • Well-optimized
    • 0.00 ms | Idle
    • 0.05 ms - 0.10 ms | In usage
  • Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!
  • Highly customizable
    • Change if the time will also pass when the player is offline
    • Change items you can find
    • Modify blips
    • Change all coordinates
    • & much more
  • Usage
    • /jail (id) (time) - put player in jail
    • /lockup (id) (time) - put player in lockup
    • /lockup1-5 (id) (time) - put player in lockup in a certain cell, eg. /lockup1 will place player in cell one (cells need to be set in config)
    • /unjail (id) - unjail player
  • Exports
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:jailMenu()
      • Opens the jailing menu
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:lockUpMenu()
      • Opens the menu where you can put people in lockup
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:unjail()
      • Unjail neareast player
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:jail(targetId, time)
      • Jail a player with the specified ID for a specified time
  • How does it work? (watch video above for a good understanding)
    • Police can jail, lockup or unjail players with commands or you can add the exports to your police job
    • All player items will be taken from the player when he is jailed, and he can later take them back from a certain place
    • Jail times will be stored in database and retrieved again, when the player connects back, you can also change if you want the time to pass also when the player is offline
    • In jail and lockup, if player goes too far, he will be teleported back (can be turned off)
    • In jail, there are 5 different jobs that the player can do
    • By doing these jobs, player can earn money or shorten his sentence (can be changed in the config)
    • The player can also search places around the jail where he can find stuff like phones and food
    • There are also beds in the jail that will heal the player when slept in
    • Player can also escape from the prison
    • You will need an explosive and a handmade lighter that you can purchase from the NPC
    • You can place the explosive on ground and light it, and after it blows up, you are free
    • Police will get a notification, when a player escapes the prison
    • [NEW] You can now set yourself a home cell
    • [NEW] In your home cell, you have a personal stash where you can store your items and they will always stay there
    • [NEW] New item Jail cigarette that is used to purchase different items from a NPC inside the jail
      • You can get jail cigarettes from doing tasks and searching places
      • Instead of instantly getting an explosive and a handmade lighter from doing task, you’ll now gain jail cigarettes which you can use to purchase the explosive and handmade lighter for from the NPC
  • Includes logs to Discord, if you set the webhook link in config




Purchase (14.99€ + VAT)

My other work


And if there are any other prison interiors that you would like to be supported in the script, let me know and I’ll be more than happy to add them!

You actually showed some nice interiors there, By any chance do you have Gabz’ one in the config? If not I’m sure it wouldn’t be too painful to set it up, but this one looks really nice, without some requisites that I’m not a fan of, so might just give it a try

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looks interesting. which interior do you use in the video? is the script easy to setup?

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Is it possible to change the taskbars?

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Is it possible to change the commands? Also, can we disable the blips?

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Update 1.1.0

  • Added chat suggestions for commands
  • Fixed explosive smoke not showing up
  • Added exports for jail and lockup
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:jailMenu()
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:lockUpMenu()
  • All events with the progress bar have been moved into the editable client file, you can now add your own progress bar or remove it completely
  • Added config to disable prison blip
  • Moved all commands into the editable server file so you can change their names etc.
  • Cleaned up the code
  • If you find any bugs with the new version, make sure to report them to me and I’ll get them fixed as soon as possible

is there not a jailmenu for police? does the script only work with commands?

Unfortunetly I don’t have coords for the Gabz prison. But as you said, if you know how to copy and paste coords, it’s pretty fast to change the coords, of course depending on the amount of spots you want to add.

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The script is pretty easy to setup, you only need to run the sql file and change the coords if you have a different prison interior.

Yes! You can now change or remove the progress/taskbar in the client/main_editable file.

Yes! You can now change the command names and disable the prison blip if you want to.

The exports themselves have an esx menu or a dialog, but if you want to use them, you need to add them to your police job menu. If you don’t know how to do it, I’ll gladly help you if you purchase the script.

Update 1.1.1

  • Added unjail export
    • exports.esx_tk_jail:unjail()

sounds good. Is the script easily translatable to another language?

Yes, by default there are english and finnish translations, but you are able to change all the text to whatever language you want to.

Small update has been released to fix a few bugs. You should download the latest version from your Cfx.re Keymaster uploaded assets.

Is it possible to make that the names that appear on the notifications and discord webhooks, are the ones from ESX Identity (rp names like firstname and lastname on the database)? I guess you would need to add the mysql-async dependency and create some server-sided events for that.

Update 1.1.2

  • Added new Config option; Config.UseRPName which will show the player’s RP name in notifications and webhook
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ESX Legacy compatible?