[ESX] esx_tk_houserobbery - Break into NPC houses



A scripts that lets you rob houses all over the GTA map with over 631 different robbable houses and 4 different interiors. Script has been tested with ESX V1 Final, but should work with all ESX versions. If not, you can always contact me!


  • Well-optimized
    • 0.00 ms - 0.01 ms | Idle
    • 0.05 ms - 0.10 ms | In usage
  • Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system
  • Highly customizable
    • Change markers and blips
    • Change cops needed to rob houses
    • Change loot table
    • Change cooldowns & chances for police to alert
    • & much more
  • Supports ox_lib and ox_target (both can be turned on / off in config)
  • How does it work?
    • 631 different houses around the map that you can rob
    • When you go next to a house that you can rob, you will see a text to rob the house
    • There is a small lockpicking minigame and if you succeed, you will get teleported inside the house
    • When a door is lockpicked, everyone can go inside the house; police and non-police
    • You can search different places inside and find loot
    • By default there are 28 different items you can find, but you can easily more
    • Inside will there also be a NPC and if you walk too much or start shooting he will wake up and alert the cops. He will also start attacking you
    • There is also a small chance that a dog will spawn outside which will also try to attack you



Purchase (12.99€ + VAT)

My other work


Hi Mate, how much can we edit this now its on the escrow system? I would like to integrate our existing mini games instead of pd-safe, i wouldnt need your support to do so however im worried about not being able due to escrow.


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Yea im also curious on what we can edit… Dont use mythic progbar and changing minigame would be be a major bonus. Just some thins before i purchase! Looks cool!

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Both of these options are now editable, meaning you can add a custom minigame and delete the progbar! Thanks for the feedback.

Could you make the police alert editable as I would like to use my own alert system however its blocked in the encryption, also the ability to set a percentage chance that the lockpick gets used up when successfully lockpicked./ Right now we can only do it for a fail

I sent you a private message.

Update 1.1.0

  • Added config option “Config.NPCWeapon”
  • Added config option “Config.LoseLockpickSuccessChance”
  • Moved police alert to editable file so you can change it to your own police alert system

Best House Robbery out there!

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Update 1.1.5

  • Added config option “Config.KeyToRob” which allows you to change the key used to lockpick and enter houses

You rock!

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Update 1.1.6

  • Moved the can carry check into the editable file

Hi there,
is it possible to configure the presence or not of an npc inside?

Not right now. However, this could be possibly implemented in the future.

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Update 1.2.0

  • NPCs inside the houses should now be synced with other players

Update 1.2.1

  • Minor bug fixes for players falling trough the interior when going inside a house and random error in console

Any chance for a QBCore version?

At the moment I don’t have any plans for a QBCore version but maybe in the future, we’ll see.

Update 1.2.5

  • General improvements and bug fixes related to NPCs and players in the same house

if 2 players hit 2 different houses are they in their own instance?

Yes. Players will not see other players that have broken into different houses even if they would have the same interior.

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