[ESX] esx_tk_barjob - Advanced Bar Job / Restaurant Job


[ Video ]


  • Well-optimized

    • 0.00 ms | Idle
    • 0.00 - 0.04 ms | In usage
  • Uses FiveM Asset Escrow System, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!

  • Features

    • By default, coords are set up for the Tequila interior
      • You can however very easily add as many different restaurants / bars as you want just by using the config
    • Job Actions Menu
      • Billing
      • Crafting
        • By default you can craft 4 different cocktails and 6 different pizzas
        • You can easily add more craftable items in the config and you can specify them in groups
        • You can also add crafting areas where you need to be to craft items
      • NPC Deliveries
        • You can deliver the different items your bar / restaurant can make to NPCs
        • Upon starting, you will get a random item and a random location where you will have to deliver that item
        • Once you deliver the item, you will get a configurable amount of money
    • Serving Drinks & Foods
      • You can add “serving spots” in the config where the employees of the bar will be able to place an item and then the item will appear on the table (with a prop)
      • Customers can then take those items for themself from the table
    • Eating / Drinking System
      • Comes with a built in eating / drinking system
      • Over 10 different drinks and foods that you can eat / drink
      • Includes animation
      • You need to press E to eat / drink the item after you have used it
      • You can also drop the item by pressing Y
    • Comes with 32 default food / drink items including images for them
    • Cloakrooms
      • Add as many cloakrooms as you want for each job
      • Add as many outfits as you want in the config
    • Boss menu
    • Storages
      • Add as many storages as you want for each job
      • Each storage has its own items
      • Events are secured
      • You can store money, black money, items and weapons (weapon ammo will also save)
    • Garages
      • Add as many garages as you want for each job
      • You can either use society garages or default vehicle spawner garages
        • Add as many vehicles for the garage as you want (you can also configure a min grade needed to use the vehicle)
      • Add spawnpoints for vehicles, if none are free, you can’t take out a vehicle
    • Supports ox_target, ox_lib and ox_inventory
    • Well-optimised compared to the default esx bar / restaurant jobs
    • English and finnish locales
    • Highly configurable and easy to use



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My other ESX Scripts

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1500
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes

Update 1.0.1

  • Fixed job menu opening when not supposed to

Update 1.1.0

  • Added possibility to add shops where you can purchase the ingredients for different items
  • Fixed weapons not working as intended in storages

Update 1.1.1

  • Fixed pizza ingredients shop not opening

Update 1.1.2

  • Fixed sql file

Update 1.1.4

  • Fixed vehicle returning not working always

Update 1.1.5

  • More improvements to vehicle returning

Update 1.1.6

  • Added function UsedItem(name, data) to the editable client file

I saw the showcase of this and I’m really interested in trying this out, but I was wondering if it can support a target system like ox_target or qtarget? Or if it’s possible to implement it?

Hey! Sure, I’ll write that down and add the ox support as soon as possible. I’ll let you know here when it has been added.

Update 1.2.0

  • Added support for ox_lib
  • Added support for ox_target
  • Added support for ox_inventory


1 Like

Update 1.2.1

  • Fixed error while using ox_lib showTextUI
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this might be a stretch but i saw this in a qbcore server once. They had the feature where when you place a item in the table stash it places props on the table and when you removed the items the props were removed, is that possible to do for ESX? if not its fine i just thought i would ask as it was a cool feature for dinning in.

I’m not quite sure what you mean, but if I’m understanding correctly what you are saying then this script already kinda has feature like that. Check the showcase video at around 3:46.

1 Like

oh im buying this right now then

Update 1.2.2

  • Fixed billing not working while using ox_lib

Update 1.2.3

  • Fixed serve menu not opening when using ox
  • Fixed vehicle take marker not showing when using ox

Update 1.2.4

  • Added missing locales

Update 1.2.5

  • Added one more missing locale

Update 1.2.6

  • Moved function OpenBillingMenu() to the editable client file

Update 1.2.7

  • Fixed serve spots bugging out if multiple ones were set for different jobs