Advanced (Realistic) Fishing - FiveM QBCore, ESX and Standalone Script
Advanced Fishing is a QBCore, ESX and Standalone FiveM Script that simulate realistic fishing technic by throwing the rod and wait for the fish to hook and then pulling the fish out, and a semi realistic opening the Treasure Box buy shooting the chest’s lock.
The script work with and without qb-target and also supports ox_target.
The script has an embedded Custom Notification.
We use a scan method to scan tha water on your way and check if there is a clear fishing path, that allows you to fish in every beach, sea, lake… every place with water.
You just use The Fishing Rod and wait for the fish to hook, the hold and release the E button to pull the fish out.
You will notice the color of the button and the rod’s line turning red by holding too often.
You can a different types of fish, and if you’re lucky you may find a Treasure Box. You can place it on the ground by using the item, and shoot the Treasure’s lock to break open it and loot it.
- The Script is now working with both QBCore and ESX frameworks
- You can setup Custom Fishing Zones where you can fish a specific type of Fishes or a Treasure Box, and you can set multiple items per zone
- The Script is now working with okokNotify script (config file)
Config file:
- You can choose the framework you’re using either qbcore or esx
- You can choose the notification system between: script embedded notify, framework default notify or okokNotify for those who use okok notify script.
- You can setup your Custom Fishing Zones where you can fish a specific type of Fishes or a Treasure Box, and you can set multiple items per zone
- You can change the Fishing Difficulty Level from 1 to 5 / 1 = easy / 5 = hard.
- You can change the Hooked Fish Movement Speed from 1 to 5 / 1 = slow / 5 = fast.
- You can choose to use qb-target, ox_target or without.
- You can setup the Peds coords, model. Blip name, color, sprite.
- You can setup your fishing gear shop by adding or removing items.
- You can setup the reward fishes catch chance and the sell price.
- You can setup your Treasure Box random reward items.
- You can use enable Require Job and set the fishing to a job, and you can change the job name.
- The script is now Translatable.
Config File:
Config = {}
-- QBCore Framework
Config.Framework = "qbcore" -- Set you framework "qbcore" or "esx"
Config.QBCoreName = "qb-core" -- You QBCore script name must be correct to work (only if you use QBCore Framework)
-- ESX Framework
Config.IsESXLegacy = true -- Set it true is you're using esx legacy (only if you use ESX Framework)
Config.ESXLegacyName = "es_extended" -- You ESX Legacy script name must be correct to work (only if you use ESX Legacy Framework)
Config.Notification = "embedded" -- "embedded" embedded script custom notify / "default" framework default notify / "okok" custom okokNotify notify script
Config.EmojisInNotification = true -- This option available only in "embedded" notification
Config.FishHookTimeBetween = {6000, 12000} -- Estimated waiting time for the fish to be hooked after the rod is thrown, betweed 8000 (8 seconds) and 15000 (15 second)
Config.FishingDifficulty = 3 -- Fishing Difficulty Level from 1 to 5 / 1 = easy / 5 = hard
Config.HookedFishMovement = 3 -- Hooked Fish Movement Speed from 1 to 5 / 1 = slow / 5 = fast
Config.FishingLineChangesColor = true -- Set this to "false" if you don't want the fishing line to change colors
------------------------------------------------- Require Job ----------------------------------------------------
Config.RequireJob = false -- set to "true" if you want the player have a fishing job to be able to use the rod and fish
Config.JobName = 'fisher' -- set your fishing job name if you want to use Required Job option
------------------------------------------------ Target & Peds ---------------------------------------------------
Config.UseTarget = false -- "true" if you use qb-taget / "false" if not
Config.TargetType = "qb" -- Your target script type either "qb" or "ox"
Config.QBTargetScriptName = "qb-target" -- Your target script name must be correct to work
Config.OXTargetScriptName = "ox_target" -- Your target script name must be correct to work
Config.ShowBlips = true -- Enable/disable map blip
Config.FishingGearsSeller = { -- NPC Bot that can sell you fishing gears
Enabled = true, -- Keep this to "true" if you want to keep this ped
Ped = { -- Peds List:
Model = "a_m_m_trampbeac_01",
Coords = vector4(-1803.68, -1197.97, 13.02, 49.88),
Scenario = nil,
Range = 3.0,
Blip = { -- Blips List:
Label = "Fishing Gears",
Sprite = 52,
Color = 3,
Scale = 0.8,
Config.UseOXInventoryShops = false -- Set this to "true" if you use OX Inventory Shops
Config.UseQuasarInventoryForESX = false -- Set this to "true" if you use Quasar Inventory on ESX Framework
Config.FishesBuyer = { -- NPC Bot that buy your fishes
Enabled = true, -- Keep this to "true" if you want to keep this ped
Ped = { -- Peds List:
Model = "a_m_o_beach_01",
Coords = vector4(-1847.01, -1190.77, 14.32, 147.49),
Scenario = nil,
Range = 3.0,
Blip = { -- Blips List:
Label = "Fishes Buyer",
Sprite = 266,
Color = 3,
Scale = 0.8,
------------------------------------------------ Fishing Items ---------------------------------------------------
Config.FishingRodItem = "fishing_rod" -- Fishing Rod item name
Config.RequireBait = true -- "true" if player must have bait item in his inventory
Config.FishingBaitItem = "fishing_bait" -- Fishing Bait item name
----------------------------------------------- Gear Shop Items --------------------------------------------------
-- Setup your fishing gear shop by adding items
-- this section uses qb-inventory script to setup the shop
Config.ShopItems = {
[1] = {
label = "Fishing Rod",
name = "fishing_rod",
price = 500,
amount = 1,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
[2] = {
label = "Fishing Bait",
name = "fishing_bait",
price = 10,
amount = 100,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 2,
------------------------------------------- Use Custom Fishing Zones ---------------------------------------------
-- You can Enable custom lakes beach or sea where you can find a specific type of fishes or a Treasure Box
-- If You Enable Custom Fishing zones, you need to setup the type of rewards and the catching chance
Config.EnableCustomFishingZones = false
Config.CustomFishingZones = { -- Zones coords and radius and the zone rewards
[1] = { -- Small Lake
Coords = vector3(2542.91, 6148.45, 161.11),
Radius = 100.0,
Rewards = {
["sea_boot"] = {
Chance = {1, 20}, -- Chance from 1 to 20 = 20% chance
["sea_tin"] = {
Chance = {21, 40}, -- Chance from 21 to 40 = 20% chance
["fish_small"] = {
Chance = {41, 90}, -- Chance from 41 to 90 = 50% chance
["fish_mackerel"] = {
Chance = {91, 99}, -- Chance from 91 to 99 = 9% chance
["treasure_box"] = { -- Don't change the name, otherwise the treasure bow wont work / You can only remove it
Chance = {100, 100}, -- Chance from 100 to 100 = 1% chance
BlipForZone = {
NormalBlip = {
Active = false, -- Show custom area blip in the minimap
Sprite = 68,
Scale = 0.8,
Color = 3,
Text = 'Small Fishes Area'
RadiusBlip = {
Active = false, -- Show custom area blip radius in the minimap
Color = 3,
Alpha = 150,
-- [2] = { -- Big Lake/Pool Exemple
-- Coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-- Radius = 50.0,
-- Rewards = {}
-- },
Config.RewardsOutOfCustomFishingZones = { -- Rewards when you use 'Custom Fishing Zones' and you fish out of Custom Fishing Zones
["sea_boot"] = {
Chance = {1, 25}, -- Chance from 1 to 25 = 25% chance
["sea_tin"] = {
Chance = {26, 50}, -- Chance from 26 to 50 = 25% chance
["fish_small"] = {
Chance = {51, 100}, -- Chance from 51 to 100 = 50% chance
-- Note: The Fishing Rewards must be included in the 'Fishing Rewards' down bellow
----------------------------------------------- Fishing Rewards --------------------------------------------------
Config.FishingRewards = {
["sea_boot"] = {
Chance = {1, 14}, -- Chance from 1 to 14 = 14% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["sea_tin"] = {
Chance = {15, 27}, -- Chance from 15 to 27 = 13% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_small"] = {
Chance = {28, 37}, -- Chance from 28 to 37 = 10% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_bass"] = {
Chance = {38, 47}, -- Chance from 38 to 47 = 10% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_bluefish"] = {
Chance = {48, 57}, -- Chance from 48 to 57 = 10% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_cod"] = {
Chance = {58, 67}, -- Chance from 58 to 67 = 10% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_flounder"] = {
Chance = {68, 77}, -- Chance from 68 to 77 = 10% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_mackerel"] = {
Chance = {78, 87}, -- Chance from 78 to 87 = 10% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_dolphin"] = {
Chance = {88, 91}, -- Chance from 88 to 91 = 4% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_shark"] = {
Chance = {92, 95}, -- Chance from 92 to 95 = 4% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["fish_whale"] = {
Chance = {96, 99}, -- Chance from 96 to 99 = 4% chance
SellPrice = 100, -- Change the sell price "100" or remove the entire line if you don't want this item to be sold
["treasure_box"] = { -- Don't change the name, otherwise the treasure bow wont work / You can only remove it
Chance = {100, 100}, -- Chance from 100 to 100 = 1% chance
RandomRewards = { -- Player will get a random reward between those
{ item = 'gold_coin', amount = 100 },
{ item = 'golden_pocket_watch', amount = 1 },
{ item = 'weapon_vintagepistol', amount = 1 },
------------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------------
Config.Translation = {
['fishing_canceled'] = 'Fishing canceled',
['cant_fish_while_swimming'] = 'You can\'t fish while in swimming',
['cant_fish_while_inveh'] = 'You can\'t fish while in vehicle',
['need_job'] = 'You need fishing job',
['attempt_to_fish'] = 'Attempting to Fish',
['need_fish_bait'] = 'You need a fish bait',
['need_close_to_water'] = 'You need to be close and aim towards the water to fish.',
['you_failed'] = 'You failed',
['dont_have_enough_money'] = 'You don\'t have enough money',
['cant_carry_more'] = 'You can\'t carry more',
['item_bought_success'] = 'Item bought successfully',
['item_not_found'] = 'Item not found',
['you_caught_fish'] = 'You caught a ',
['fishes_sold_for_amount'] = 'Fishes sold for $',
['dont_have_enough_fishes'] = 'You don\'t have enough fishes',
['already_placed_treasure'] = 'You already placed a Treasure Box',
['treasure_item_not_found'] = 'Treasure Box item\'s not found',
['buy'] = 'Buy',
['fishing_gears_shop'] = 'Fishing Gears Shop',
['fishing_shop'] = 'Fishing Shop',
['press_e_to_buy_gears'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open Fishing Gears Shop',
['press_e_to_sell_fishes'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to sell Fishes',
['shoot-lockpick-treasure'] = '~o~Shoot~w~ or ~o~lockpick~w~ the ~b~lock~w~ to open the box',
['get-close-to-treasure'] = 'Get ~b~close~w~ to the ~y~Treasure Box to loot',
['searching-the-treasure'] = '~g~Searching the box',
['target-fishing-gears'] = 'Fishing Gears',
['target-sell-fishes'] = 'Sell Your Fishes',
Perview Video: Youtube Link
Buy Script: Tebex Link ($15.99 + Tax)
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Code is accessible | 70% open source. functions.lua is not accessible. |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1550 |
Requirements | QBCore or ESX |
Support | Yes |