Special Server Restarter - Live Countdown Timer - Supports txAdmin
The Special Server Restarter is a Standalone FiveM Scripts, that makes your server’s restart more advanced and exciting with showing a countdown timer once the txAdmin Scheduled Restart starts, with a special storm starts in the last minute of the restart, with an earthquake effect and a special sound effect, caused by the thunder strikes that makes the players in an alert state.
You can alse start a manual restart and cancel it by command, and the script automatically kick all the players and restart your server.
- Countdown timer once the Auto-restart or the manual restart starts
- Special Storm effect with earthquake and thunder strikes sound effect
- Auto-kick players and stop & start the server (easy manual restart)
Config File:
Config = {}
------------------------ txAdmin Scheduled Restart -----------------------
Config.ScheduledRestartTimer = 30 -- In minutes - Min 1 / Max 30
--------------------------- Last Seconds Storm ---------------------------
Config.EnableStorm = true -- Either enable or disable the Weather change and the thunder strike
Config.StormDuration = 60 -- In seconds, The Storm starts in the last 60 seconds of server restart timer
Config.EnableFallAndFleeNPCs = true -- Either enable or disable the falling and fleeing effect of your server's NPCs
------------------------- Thunder Effect & Sound -------------------------
Config.EnableThunder = true -- Either enable or disable the tunder strikes and earthquakes
Config.ThunderInterval = 10 -- In seconds, Thunder strike each 10 seconds in default
Config.EnableThunderSound = true -- Either enable or disable tunder sound effects
Config.ThunderSoundVolume = 80 -- Thunder Sound Volume, from 0 to 100
-- Note: The Storm must enabled for The Thunder effect & sound to work
------------------------ Timer UI Screen Position ------------------------
Config.TimerScreenPos = "centerright" -- Timer Screen Positions: "topcenter" | "topleft" | "topright" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomleft" | "bottomright" | "centercenter" | "centerleft" | "centerright"
------------------------- Storm Weather Funtions -------------------------
Config.StormWeather = function() -- Triggered function to change the weather when the storm hits
-- Server side "thunder storm weather" event or export or function, QBCore and Execute Command example
-- Pre-configured Examples:
-- ExecuteCommand('weather thunder') -- Server side execute command example (works with vSync)
-- exports['qb-weathersync']:setWeather('thunder') -- QBCore weathersync script export example
Config.ClearWeather = function() -- Triggered function to reset the weather to default status
-- Server side "clear weather" event or export or function or command, QBCore and Execute Command example
-- Pre-configured Examples:
-- ExecuteCommand('weather clear') -- Server side execute command example (works with vSync)
-- exports['qb-weathersync']:setWeather('clear') -- QBCore weathersync script export example
------------------------------ Translations ------------------------------
Config.Translations = {
['auto_restart'] = 'Auto-Restart',
['auto_restart_canceled'] = 'Auto-Restart Cenceled',
['server_restart'] = 'Server Restart',
['server_restart_canceled'] = 'Server Restart Cenceled',
['kick_message'] = 'Server Restart 😊',
Server Commands File:
-- Default script command to start and cancel manual server restart
-- You can change them to your framework permission level to use this two commands
RegisterCommand('startrestart', function(source, args)
local Timer = tonumber(args[1]) -- countdown timer in minutes
if (Timer ~= nil) and (Timer > 0) then
StartServerRestart(Timer) -- function to start a manual server restart
end, true)
RegisterCommand('cancelrestart', function(source, args)
CancelServerRestart() -- function to cancel the manual server restart
end, true)
Preview: Youtube Link
Buy Here : Tebex Link ($9.99 + Tax)
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Code is accessible | Config & Server Commands files |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | +200 |
Requirements | txAdmin |
Support | Yes |