The Gallow - Execution Base - Fivem QBCore, ESX and Standalone Script
The Gallow is a Fivem QBCore, ESX and Standalone script that improve your server Roleplay Experience with a Realistic RP Death and Execution Scenes with a 3D Execution Base that you can spawn anywhere and when ever you want as a Police job, or any other job you want in your server
- You can spawn and use many gallows in the same time in different places and each gallow works independently
- You can use and remove any networked gallow in the server, even it’s not yours
- Only autorized jobs with certain grades can manage the gallows
Config File:
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "qbcore" -- Set you framework "qbcore" or "esx"
Config.QBCoreName = "qb-core" -- You QBCore script name must be correct to work (only if you use QBCore Framework)
Config.IsESXLegacy = false -- Set it true is you're using esx legacy (only if you use ESX Framework)
Config.GallowMenuCommand = "opengallowmenu" -- Command to open The Gallow Menu
Config.AllowedJobs = { ['police'] = 2, ['sheriff'] = 2 } -- Set your allowed jobs and grades that can spawn/remove and use The Gallow
------------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------------
Config.Translation = {
['no_one_nearby'] = 'No one nearby',
['no_gallow_nearby'] = 'No gallow nearby',
['nearby_gallow_busy'] = 'Nearby gallow is busy',
['action_cant_be_done'] = 'This action cannot be done',
['object_cant_be_deleted'] = 'This object cannot be deleted',
['cancel'] = 'Cancel',
['spawn_gallow'] = 'Spawn Gallow',
['rotate_gallow'] = 'Rotate Gallow',
['delete_gallow'] = 'Delete Gallow',
['invalid_permission'] = 'Invalid permission',
Preview: Youtube Link
Buy Here : Tebex Link ($11.99 + Tax)
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Code is accessible | 70% open source. functions.lua and Gallow 3D Model are not accessible |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 750 |
Requirements | QBCore or ESX |
Support | Yes |