
Welcome to SickJail. SickJail is a VERY interactive jail system for your Cities!

There are lots of different things you are able to do with it.

Ranging from Gang system to legal jobs.

There is a ton of options built in to the jail to give your players more to do while they do hefty sentences!

Jail Features :zap:

Jail has Many Features Including:
1. Legal Jobs
2. Gang Jobs
3. Commissary
4. Jail Stashes
5. Breakouts

The Jail is very interactive and will allow your player to gain more RP while in Prison!

Exports :zap:

Most Jail Systems i have found fail to have exports for Checking if in jail when dying (I could be wrong just what I personally have seen)
SickJail Has TWO exports to help combat people dying and respawning at PillBox free or as an Escapee!

1. InJail ( returns if you are currently in jail )
2. DeathJailLogin (Sends the Player to the Prison Infirmary with time still ticking )

Check Documentation For More Information!

Built In Gang System :zap:

You can only join ONE Gang and your are with it for life! Gangs will trade items with you based on a rep level you have earned from doing jobs for them!

The Main Gangs for prison stick with GTA Lore




Each gang has jobs for you to do to earn More Rep Among the Gang.
Each Gang can also be set in Config if using a different gang

Clinic v

Has a system that allows you to add triggers for healing!

ESX Ambulance job Revive

Skeletal System Heal

Just a couple examples to show what you can use! Documentation has a couple examples to get you started! :stethoscope:

Food :zap:

A Menu based option to get food while in prison. Food is a must have on 99% of servers. When going to jail your items are removed meaning you will need to get food while in prison. Doing jobs will earn you money that you can then use to buy food!

No Status system is set up and that will be up to you to set to your own HUDs!

Workout :zap:

Working out is ALWAYS a big part of prison. As is it is just a pass the time sort of thing but may add config options for certain skill systems if the need arises! As of now B1 Skills and QW Skills have been set to give random amounts of Stamina/Strength if under a small number. This helps prevent people from just maxing out on one thing because you will not always get the XP! :muscle:

Legal Jobs :zap:

There are a few legal jobs that you can do to get money for food! Ranging from cooking to Trash duty! All jobs help kill time while sitting waiting for the end of your sentence! They are also an important part to surviving prison!

Target :zap:

Everything uses Ox_Target! Jobs, Jail Menu, Escapes, Healing! All of the script uses Target and has checks to make sure you are in jail before allowing the jobs.

Jail Stashes :zap:

Using Ox_Inventory there are 3 hidden stashes inside the prison. If found you can store items for later sentences! Be careful as other Inmates may find the stashes too and take your items!


Preview SO outdated its not even funny! lol Only shows minmal for it as I made it when FIRST creating this script. I will be working on a more up to date one! Thank you for understanding and I am SO very Sorry to not have one up yet my pc just not quite good enough to do it! Hoping the Community Will send some awesome clips!!

If Video Isn’t loading follow to YouTube here: SickJail (outdated)

I am the worst at remembering things so I am SURE I missed a bunch but just know the jail is VERY in depth and constantly being worked on to be better!!!

Get It Here:
Tebex :love_letter:

Other Scripts:

SickDirtyCops – Paid :policeman:
SickTrapHouses – Paid :derelict_house:

SickLockers – Free :left_luggage:
SickWarrants – Free :notebook:


Code is accessible Yes/No (utils files open)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3000+
Requirements ox_lib, ox_inventory, ox_target, ESX
Support 100% Yes!!!

(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


Back at it again, awesome work Jugg. :fire: :space_invader:

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Good Work :heart:

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Thanks!!! Your kind words are amazing!!!

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Yoooo thank you SOOOO much!!! You are amazing keep up the good work!!!

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Interesting! Is there support for removing the players inventory upon being sent to prison, then restoring it once they’re released? Say, for ox_inventory?

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Yes 100% a thing… when entering inventory is wiped and upon release it is auto returned

Neat. 2 more questions -
Can I see an example of the config?
Can I change the names of the prison gangs?

I can answer both…

  1. Should be able to haven’t fully tested

  2. Soon as I am home I will post this

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Lots more tho!

Best Jail ive come across . and Sick has been quick to update or fix anything . Honestly a great dev

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