

Welcome to SickTraders! A Trading System Mainly for Zombie Servers but could be used in cities that want a “Bazaar” in their Cities!

Each PED has its own menu. Meaning that for the Weapons PED it has a Weapons menu and the same for food and meds.


Using ox_target you can target the peds and open up the menus that are ZONE based. What I mean by ‘ZONE’ is that its just a label.

    ['ZONE_NAME'] = { ... } -- here is where you define the zone

Each Zone also has a blip and an area blip to mark where they are and to let others know these are Safe Zones!


3 Base menus come with script ( Weapons, Meds, Food )
Each has its own list of items all handled in the config!


image (8)

Get It Here:
Tebex :love_letter:

Other Scripts:

SickDirtyCops – Paid :policeman:

SickTrapHouses – Paid :derelict_house:

SickJail – Paid :policeman:

SickLockers – Free :left_luggage:

SickWarrants – Free :notebook:


Code is accessible only server side locked
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements ox_target, ox_inventory, ESX, Ox_lib
Support Yes
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Sick making the community better one resource at a time. Great release again!! :green_heart: :green_heart:

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aweeee thanks for the support!! means alot!!

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