
Sick2Step Is a simple system that allows players to install a 2-Step Module that will make their car pop!!!

Best part is… The Script will not effect the way local npc react to you! The Popping from the 2Step will not scare them or make them run away!

Steps to Use:

1. Get 2-Step Module
2. Use Module to Install setup in vehicle
3. After Installation use command to turn on/off the Module

As in most states in the US modified exhausts are illegal. So to stick with this and help provide RP i add a 2-Step Checker!

The Checker if used will check if the vehicle has the module installed! From there the Officers can do as they please with the vehicle! Remove the Module, Fine the Player, Impound Vehicle!

If you use the Module in a Vehicle that already has a Module installed then it will remove the module and give the item back to the player!

Plan to add a tool for Criminals to use to steal the Modules but at this time it is not implemented!

Both QBCore and ESX are supported as the only use for them is to make the item usable!
Ox_libs and OxMySQL are needed to make the script function properly! Ox_libs for commands and notifications and OxMySQL for saving the Modules to the database so they stay consistent.

When exiting the vehicle the Module is automatically Turned off. This means each time you enter the vehicle you will need to re use the command to turn the Module back on!

Side Info:
Inspiration and alot of the code came from this Source:

I Have contacted the Original Owner and have waited for a response. It has been over a month so I decided to move forward! I want to keep the credits to this person as they were the main source to all this! I simply made some edits and improved on the script.
I have seen others use the same persons code, do the same things and release it paid and locked up tight.

Mine will be free and completely and 100% Open Source for you to learn from or to change things and improve on them!

Get It Here:

Github ESX :love_letter:
Github QBCore :love_letter:
Other Scripts:

SickDirtyCops – Paid :policeman:

SickTrapHouses – Paid :derelict_house:

SickJail – Paid :policeman:

SickLockers – Free :left_luggage:

SickWarrants – Free :notebook:

Documentation :notebook:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately)
Requirements { ox_libs, oxmysql }
Support Yes

(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


Man this is awesome , my car sounds like a real tuner now ! Fast And Furious on the LINE


aweeee thank you!!! hope you like using it!!!

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Hella Sick no pun intended

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awesome, can you make it with native audio instead of nui ?

is there way that you could add a standalone version with ox_inventory and/or ox_lib ?

uh i will see… but reason for framework is only for items. if items are removed and only commands i could for sure. otherwise im not 100% how to make items usable with out framework.

ox_inventory can do that

Hey there! So native audio limits way to much. meaning in order to get the cool backfires NUI is needed to play custom sounds. atleast from my understanding of the natives

yea i know this. way that works is such a pain tho. i will look but not making any promises


You are using NUI only for audio, with Native Audio you can create custom pack sound to use it with ingame behavour (walls / reverb of room etc)

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testing something on this soon. will keep you updated

i send a pullrequest with a small fix to your github

yea i will check it out!

:+1: Credit approved.

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ayeee thanks homie!!! means alot!

yup overlooked that hahaha oops thanks for pointing it out!! I corrected this along with adding in a feature that somehow got deleted before update. Now your car will pop when changing gears.

Its been a bit but some work has gone into this to try and not only combine ESX/QBCore versions while adding a new feature that allows you to use just Ox_Inventory useItem exports! Makes it more standalone this way!

Update on the Github!

New Doc information:

Updated to fix qbcore side for things. option for Ox_inventory exports instead of RegisterUsableItem! Or you can still use that as well! update on github

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