
SickWardrobe is a script that can be used for many different things! Ranging from Police uniforms to EMS outfits. Even Gangs if you Config it correctly!

Each Job has a ped that comes with 3 Different Options For Interacting:

1. Ox Target

1. Ox Libs Points/ Ox TextUI

1.  Base ESX Help Notifications

Each is a config option and can be adjusted to your liking!

When Interaction each rank will have a set outfit.

If you config the Rank to have Other outfits:

( I.E. UnderCover, SWAT, Detective ) these are also based on the players rank!

You can add any outfit you want to the table ( I.E. [‘bproof_1’] = -1 ) and you can also remove any!

The outfits are changed back upon relog to the default saved skin for that char. There is also the option for going offduty to change out of your uniform and back into Civilian Clothes! Each has a check before changing to make sure you actually want to change int o those outfits. Small animation when changing into/out of clothing!

Video Below has some small examples!


Get It Here:
Tebex :love_letter:

Other Scripts:

SickDirtyCops – Paid :policeman:

SickTrapHouses – Paid :derelict_house:

SickJail – Paid :policeman:

SickLockers – Free :left_luggage:

SickWarrants – Free :notebook:


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based no
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements Optional = { ‘ox_target’ }, required = { ‘ESX’, ‘ox_lib’ , ‘SkinChanger’ }
Support Yes

Free release has to have github link or direct download…

OR remove free tag!


or i just fix the mistake

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which is fixed

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Thank you very much for the coworking-sessions we’ve done to get this script released :slight_smile:


Ayyyy, dope release!


Awe thank you all for the support!!! It really means a lot to me

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