Do you want a unique system for buying and selling second-hand cars?

This is the system your server needs!
Together with our colleague , @bitc0de , we have made this much needed system for the ROL of a city

  • -Nice UI, fully editable.

  • -UI to see vehicle features, price and camera to see different perspectives of the vehicle.

  • -100% optimised and responsive.

  • -You can edit the aesthetics as you want.

  • -Easily translatable.

Modern, responsive and highly customisable design.

NPC interaction, along with cinematics to create more immersion in the role of your city.

All the characteristics of the vehicle for sale, so that players can see it before they buy it.

Different cameras and perspectives, so players can see perfectly if the car is to their liking.

:movie_camera:Youtube showcase

:shopping_cart: Buy via Tebex

More scripts with UI👇

:fire: Surfing and Water Activities with UI

:fire: Sell Drugs To NPC

:fire: Job Center

:fire: Farmer Job

Code is accessible | No (except config and design)
Subscription-based | No
Lines (approximately) | 1000 aprox
Requirements | ESX for the time being.
Support | Yes


Very nice.

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Nice script. May I ask where you got the pause menu from?

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In https://bit.tebex.io/, our partner

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Is there a config option to remove the npc interaction and immediately skip to park the vehicle at the selling spot?

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No, but we can modify it for you if you want.

Well, I need it for QB thought it’s open source so I can transfer it from ESX to QB… nevermind lmao

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soon he will be in QB

Just getting spammed with something I can’t fix and it doesn’t recognize that I own the vehicle I want to sell.

Yes, I imported the sql. I’m on ESX and it is set in the config.


Also, the only thing I changed in the config was the framework. I left everything else default.

open a ticket and we will help you solve it

You Are Great ! so many thanks all your scripts are so good :heart: :v:

link broken