[PAID][ESX] Real Horse Racing - Easy to Convert


Thaaaat’s right, instead of some nice looking NUI I decided, why not go with ACTUAL, REAL, horse racing? (Minus the riders, ofc)

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Horse Model provided for free! (Includes 4 horses, a bear, and some other neat animals).

custom.rar (28.2 MB)
Originally they are from gta5-mods but I cannot find the link, have had them for forever

So, what do you get out of this script you ask? No? You didn’t ask? Well I’m gonna tell you anyway, so buckle up.

  • Real Racing - The horses once spawned and finish saluting, cause you know, it’s a thing, will begin racing around the track. The straight aways are where the horses really kick into high gear, as the corners can get a bit tricky since they all want to be as close to the railing (inside track) as possible.

  • Configurable Job check - If you want only a certain job to be able to Name the horses/Start a race just enable it via the config. Easy! Omg! Wow! Fantastic

  • Name The Horses! - Yep, name the horses whatever the hell you want, because reasons.

  • Bet On The Horses - You can place Bets on the horses (which is why we need the names, duh!). You can change the bet amount & how much it pays out if you win via the Config. (Shared.lua)

  • Completely up to chance - Which horse wins is all up to some RNG, every 1.5 seconds the speed of the horse is changed (via overriding max movement speed). Because of this, those who did NOT start the race may see the horses lagging a bit.

  • Spectate Your Horse - While this is included, It’s commented out until I can flesh out a little bug that was causing the horses to lose their task. Use at your own risk. Spectating after the horses hit the first checkpoint (Half way across the map) works 100%. But before that, it’s 40/60 if it’ll stop the horses from running.

You can VERY EASILY remove bt-target you just need to set up your own way of interacting with the betting menu.

The script requires ESX; Tested on Legacy but should work on -any-
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone
bt-target - GitHub - brentN5/bt-target
nh-keyboard - Provided with the script
swt_notifications - OR YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN! GitHub - Switty6/swt_notifications
nh-context - Needed for the menus. Provided in the release.
If you are using the base bt-target resource, you need to add my export to the scripts main.lua - listed below.

function AddEntityZone(name, entity, options, targetoptions)
Zones[name] = EntityZone:Create(entity, options)
Zones[name].targetoptions = targetoptions

exports(‘AddEntityZone’, AddEntityZone)

Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries | Taco Job | Meth Making | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone | Fitness, Group Yoga & More | More Interactive Stores | Burgershot | Prison+ | Underwater Salvage Job | Jewelry Store | Chop Shop | The Best Trading Cards Script To Date | Cluckin Bell | Chicken Job | Chicken Fighting | Armored Truck Heist


BT target reports an error, NPC has no option

You need the export for EntityZone