If you have the previous battlepass and want to upgrade, open a ticket via Discord and you will be given a discount coupon
Script to create a battle pass on your server.
Fully configurable.
With this script, you can encourage your players to be more active on your server!
Players with this system will always have the chance to earn new rewards by playing
With this new version you will have:
-A modern design!
-You will be able to create seasons and show how much time is left to finish.
-Create a shortcut to your webshop or discord
-Full responsive design
/bp → to access the battle pass panel
/addcoins ID COINS → add coins to a user by ID
/checkcoins ID → check a user coins by ID
/delcoins ID COINS → remove coins from a user by ID
/addxp ID XP → add experience points to user
/delxp ID XP → delete experience poinst to user
/delVIP ID → delete VIP to user
To add points via to jobs or other scripts, add the following Trigger in the job’s client.lua:
TriggerServerEvent(“battlepass:addXP”,GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()),100) – 100 is the amount of points
“config.lua” file with all the levels, points needed, and the configuration depending on whether an item, a weapon or money is given away, or if it is an item for VIP users.
From the config file you can also configure the price to be paid by the user to access the VIP benefits.
With any job or action, you will be able to award experience points that will be translated into level ranks automatically and gifts will be given as the user levels up.
Each buyer must configure the rewards and the levels he/she wants
Support is free via Discord
Any doubt or request for change/adaptation should be directed to me through the discord
Reselling is totally forbidden
Xp points can be awarded for time played on the server.
Compatible with Core_credits
You can buy the first 25 levels (like in fortnite).
Fully customizable through html and css
more scripts:
-Donator/Coins system
-Investments | GrandRP Style
-Donator/Coin System
-Clothing Shop
-Car Radio