[PAID] Codesign Door Lock

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What is this resource?

When creating this resource, the priority was to be as user-friendly as possible for new and experienced developers while still having all the advanced features a modern door lock system would need. This resource was designed for Gabz Maps, meaning door locks for every interior come pre-configured allowing you to choose which ones are activated with a single click. Although this resource does not require any Gabz maps as it will work on any doors, it just comes pre-configured for them.

Screen 1 - Creating Doors

How to create new doors?

Creating new doors is done through the in-game UI. Only those with admin permissions can create new doors. It uses a combination of our custom target system and configuration through the UI.

There are many optional settings you can configure when creating new doors such as:

  • Door Name: Name of the door to keep things organised.

  • Location Group: Location groups are what each door in a map is linked to (eg., every door in MRPD would be included in this location group). This makes it easier to keep things organised and allows you to delete every door in a map.

  • Door Access Permissions: You can choose from multiple methods of setting permissions for a door:

    • Jobs
    • Gangs
    • FiveM Identifiers
    • Framework Identifiers
    • Ace Perms
    • Discord Roles
    • Passcode
    • Inventory Items
  • Auto Lock: You can choose to auto lock a door after x amount of seconds.

  • Sound: You can choose from multiple pre-configured sounds or add more sounds. (you can preview each sound from the UI and the sound can be disabled).

  • Locked: Do you want this door to be locked by default?

  • Lockpick: Do you want to allow civilians to be able to attempt to lockpick this door? (you use your own minigame for the lockpick).

  • Secret: Do you want this door to have the lock icon/draw text UI visible or hidden?

  • Camera: Do you want to activate this doors door camera?

  • Passcode: Do you want this door to have a passcode?

  • Distance: The distance you can interact with this door.

Copy/Paste: You also have the option to use the copy/paste door setting buttons to help with creating/editing a large number of doors.

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Screen 1 - Editing Doors

How to edit doors?

Editing doors is done through the in-game UI. Only those with admin perms can edit doors. The changes take effect immediately. There are 2 ways to choose which door to edit.

Option 1 - Choose a door to edit using the search bar on the UI.

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Option 2 - Choose a door to edit using our target system.

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Screen 2 - Door Control

  • Search: You can either view all doors or search for specific doors or location groups.
  • Remote Lock/Unlock: Players can remotely lock/unlock doors via the UI.
  • Door Camera: If a door has a door camera enabled, you can remotely view this camera. While in this camera you can use the mouse to move the camera around, zoom in and reverse the camera to view the other side of the door. It also displays the door name and the location group name.
  • Visit: If you have admin permissions; clicking this button will teleport you to this door. Otherwise, it will set a waypoint to this door.
  • Deleting Single Door: Deleting doors is done through the in-game UI. Only those with pre-defined admin perms can edit doors. You can easily delete door locks for individual doors.
  • Mass Delete Doors: You can also delete a whole map’s door locks with a single click and the changes take effect immediately. (eg., the 100+ doors for bolingbroke prison can be deleted instantly with a single click).

Note: The option to delete doors is only visible to admins.

Screen 3 - Importing Doors for Gabz Maps

This script is made as simple to use as possible; therefore, all doors for every Gabz Map come pre-configured. You can choose which map you want to import the door lock files for, and the script will set them up automatically. You can have 500+ doors fully configured with just a few clicks. Ensure you enter the door permissions to set the default permissions for the doors.

Screen 4 - Settings

The size of the UI can be changed here.

Other Features

  • Door Passcodes: You can set passcodes for doors which allow any player to access regardless of the job.

  • Discord Webhooks: Webhooks can be configured to send a message in your discord when an admin creates/edits/deletes a door.

  • Custom Target: We have included our built-in optimized target system to reduce dependencies on other resources.

  • Built-in DrawTextUI: We have included our custom built-in drawtextUI which changes colours based on the door lock state.

  • Standalone: This can be completely standalone and does not require any framework.

  • Optimized: When not in use the client-side resmon runs at 0.01. When close to a door it runs at 0.04.

  • Share Import Files: You can create and share import files for any MLO to friends/other servers for them to install door locks on their server with a single click, more info in this link.

  • Dynamic Door Perms Editing: You can trigger an event from external scripts to set new door perms for a door. An example for this feature: you can easily set new door perms properties or for MLO motels.

  • Door Access Permissions: You can choose from multiple methods of setting permissions for a door:

    • Jobs
    • Gangs
    • FiveM Identifiers
    • Framework Identifiers
    • Ace Perms
    • Discord Roles
    • Passcode
    • Inventory Items

Documentation Website

We recommend that anyone interested in this resource checks out our Documentation Website. This documentation includes the following:

  • Step-by-step installation guide
  • Common issues & solutions
  • Code snippets
  • Error codes
  • Full preview of the Configs, Locales/Translations & SQL
  • Troubleshooting guide

Dependencies and Compatibility

Framework Dependencies
  • This resource can be completely standalone. No frameworks are required!
  • Auto Detect Framework: This feature automatically identifies your framework and applies the appropriate default settings.
Framework Compatibility Notes
ESX :heavy_check_mark: drag-and-drop compatible Supports esx 1.1, 1.2, 1.final, extendedmode and all legacy versions.
QBCore :heavy_check_mark: drag-and-drop compatible Supports the official QBCore only.
vRP :heavy_check_mark: drag-and-drop compatible
Standalone :heavy_check_mark: drag-and-drop compatible Supports FiveM Identifiers, Ace Perms and Discord Roles.
Other (custom framework) :heavy_check_mark: minor changes required Admin and job checks will need replacing.
SQL Resource Dependencies

This resource does not use the database.

Resource Dependencies

This resource has no resource dependencies.

Locale Type Translatable
UI :heavy_check_mark:
Notifications :heavy_check_mark:
OneSync Compatibility
State Compatibility
Infinity :heavy_check_mark:
Legacy :heavy_check_mark:
Disabled :heavy_check_mark:
Code is accessible No (however majority is accessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5500+ (not including locales & libraries)
Requirements None
Support Yes

Buy Here - €20

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Any reason why you use an out-dated emoji instead of drawtext?

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This a 10/10 solid door lock script. Really easy to setup, user friendly. Players love the look, the emoji and the functionality of this script!
Thanks for release!

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Hey, we choose that as it had good feedback from those who were beta-testing and those around us at the time of creation. We can easily add drawtextui or emoji or both as a config option if requested

I would definitely purchase it if there was a config option for drawtext (QBCore Drawtext, as well your drawtext)

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I would love to use for esx legacy with drawtext, going to purchase still but would love to see option for it in config!

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We will be adding more options for this which are configurable in the next update, thanks for the feedback :hearts:

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So only feature is: camera on doors, all EXISTING gabz map is already added.
I see no point of using this instead of… OX for example.
Please tell me, if there is something very different or better then ox.
(im not counting those 2 feats. what i written)

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Another good release from the folks at Codesign! Keep up the good work and amazing looking UI based scripts! :heart:

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Very nice!

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Request: Codesign Job Menu
An easy script to assign an F6 Job menu with options like, search player, handcuff player, etc.

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Wonderful release as always.

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Hello, the only reason we created a door lock resource was because it was requested for a project, so we made one with a UI; not surprising considering ALL of our resources are heavily UI based. Basic door lock code being managed through a UI can only be done so many ways. This resource was created to be easy to use and quick to install for newer developers with no script or framework dependancies.

I love all code sign scripts (please let my family go)

Changelog v1.0.4


  • Built-in DrawTextUI: Added a newly updated built-in draw text UI which is optional.

  • Draw3DText: Added draw 3d text which is optional.

  • Ace Perms: Added the option to use ace perms as an alternative to framework job checks.

  • Discord Role Perms: Added the option to use discord roles as permissions as an alternative to framework job checks.

  • Multiple Choice Permissions Access: With this new feature, you are no longer forced to choose 1 way of adding permissions, you can use multiple all at the same time.

  • For example., you no longer need to just use your frameworks admin or job checks; in addition to the standard framework admin/job checks, you can now set some doors to only be usable by those with a certain discord role, some doors to only be usable by those with certain ace perms and other doors to only be usable by certain fivem identifiers such as steam/license/fivem etc. On top of that, you can also set a door to use framework job checks, discord roles, ace perms and identifiers all at the same time!

  • Auto Lock Doors: You can now configure doors to auto-lock after x amount of seconds. Suggestion by Stixxzor#1513.

Nice Work!

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10/10: Best door lock script out there in my opinion and their support team is very helpful.

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The door lock script is the best one out there. I wish for the prison I could give officers rights to do a lock down without giving them access to the interface (that’s just me thinking). I give this script a 10/10

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v1.0.5-v1.1.0 (8 versions)


  • Auto Framework Detection: We have added a new feature we are calling 'auto_detect ', which will automatically identify your framework resource and framework notifications and apply the appropriate default settings.
  • Inventory Items Door Perms: Added a new tab to the door perms UI, which allows you to set which items players must have in their inventory to lock/unlock doors.
  • When pressing E to lock-pick a door, we have added a config option to require the player to have a lock-pick item in their inventory.
  • Usable Lockpicks: Added usable lock-pick items that can be used to lock-pick the closest door (if the door can be lock-picked).
  • Added random chance police alerts when a player is lockpicking a door.
  • Added debug zones for the door lock radius, enabled when Config.Debug is enabled.
  • Added a new option when creating new doors,” Double gates”, which will support double gates.
  • Added preconfigured cd_notifications compatibility.
  • Added a new event to set door perms (passcode, ace perms etc) from external scripts.
  • Added a new event to view a doors door cam from external scripts.
  • Added a new event to lockdown a full building from external scripts.
  • Added new export to get a doors full cached data.
  • When using ESX/Qbcore we have added the ability for you to add a character’s identifier/citizen id into the identifiers permissions tab when adding door access perms.
  • You now need to double-click E to confirm you wish to lockpick a door you can’t access.
  • When entering a passcode or lockpicking, your player will automatically walk up to the door and start an animation to make it look more realistic.
  • You can now start lockpicking directly from the passcode UI (bottom left button).
  • Added german locales.
  • Added dutch locales.
  • Added pre-configured okok, ps-ui and ox_lib notifications that will be automatically detected and applied on script start.


  • Reworked the door cameras so you no longer need to be close to them to operate them.
  • Updated debug info.
  • Doors with a passcode no longer require any door access perms.
  • When triggering an event to open/close a door with a lockpick or passcode from external resources, it instantly opens/closes it rather than opening the lockpick/passcode UI.
  • Doors with passcodes and lockpicks now work better together. Passcodes will always be prioritised before lock-picking.
  • Only players who don’t have perms for a door can use the passcode UI. If a door has a passcode on it and a player has perms for that door, the door will instantly open. If you want players to use a passcode, ensure you don’t set any other perms than the passcode.
  • Updated the version check to provide more information.
  • Updated the door lock icons to always automatically centre on doors, garage doors and gates.


  • Fixed the drawtextui from opening when opening pause menu.
  • Fixed issues related to vRP.
  • Fixed the ‘mul string with number’ client-side error.
  • Fixed some UI errors relating to job .
  • Fixed minor issues with the camera display icons in the control tab.
  • Fixed the random text appearing on the screen for a brief moment when adding/updating a door.
  • Fixed some multi perms not working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with ace and discord perms not being saved when importing maps.
  • Fixed a js error on standalone servers for players who don’t have admin perms when they try to open the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where some job grades could not see doors they should be able to see in the control tab.
  • Fix esx depreciated event warning from spamming.
  • Fixed animations/walking to the door when you are in a vehicle.
  • Hide door opened/locked notifications when triggering them from an external resource.
  • Fixed issues with the control tab.
  • Fixed issues with perms.
  • Fixed the zoning issue of sliding gates to be more accurate when locking and unlocking.
  • Fixed using a player’s citizen id in the identifiers perms field on QBCore.
  • Fixed the lockpick animation not working when clicking the lockpick button from the passcode UI.
  • Optimised deleting doors and removing location groups.
  • Fixed an error that happened if some config.doorperms are disabled when trying to open the large UI as a non-admin.
  • Fixed buttons on the control tab not being centred when accessing the UI with no admins perms.
  • Fixed the discord id not working correctly on the import

can each door have a different mini game?