so i have been seeing alot of people ask how to get the German Shepherd / Malinois - K9 Dog 1.0.1 Working for there Fivem server.
so i thought i would give a little help in to how it is done and what you need to do.
first of this is not my ped i will not be releasing the models if u want the model then go to
i am not claming this as my own or anything i am just showing you how to stream to the K9-ped
Model - Turbosquid 3D
Convert - Rarefacer & MartinCT(Mouby)
Textures - MartinCT(Mouby)
Funded by - MartinCT(Mouby)
so you want the K9 for your server but dont know how its done well first off.
Requirements :
A $15 or higher active patreon
if u do not have this it will not work on your server so make sure u have it
now you have that done NEXT is to make a folder on your desktop
so lets just name it K9_ped for now.
inside that folder make another folder and call it Stream
place the files u have just downloaded from German Shepherd / Malinois - K9 Dog 1.0.1
in to the stream folder.
now we need to rename some off the files well tbh all of them part from 2.
ok so now that is done below you will find a _resource.lua and a peds.meta just download them both and place both in to the K9-ped Folder
__resource.lua (155 Bytes)
ok so now we done just download the ped.meta file and place that in to the K9-ped Folder
peds.meta (2.3 KB)
it will look like this once you have finished it
i am not claming this as my own or anything i am just showing you how to stream to the K9-ped
all Credit goes to MartinCT for the model.
and now you should have your K9 buddy ready and waiting to bite some ass.