its on the forums somewhere or lspdfr I think its been a while, you do need the eup subscription i believe

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You have to change the numbers 288 2x to any other key you wan’t that you can find here
[ https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/ ]

Start at line: 366
Stops at line: 397

        while true do

            -- Trigger Opens Menu
            if IsControlPressed(1, 19) and IsControlJustPressed(1, 213) then

            -- Trigger Attack
            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 288) and IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then
                local bool, target = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId())

                if bool then
                    if IsEntityAPed(target) then
                        TriggerEvent("K9:ToggleAttack", target)

            -- Trigger Follow
            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 288) and not IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then

            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 178) then
                if spawned_ped ~= nil then

This work with Onesync?

Seems to work, Tested in server with onesync havent tested with other players tho

i cant seem to get the menu to open or a k9 to sapwn can anyone advise on how to proceed

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Dog doesnt attack target, instead attacks the person targeting

make sure you have downloaded the version i uploaded, if you have you may need to update your fivem artifact, this version %100 works

Updated artifacts, for some reason when point gun at someone it attacks me not the target

you must have something conflicting, or did not download my version, this is what the original version did aswell

and here is release? because i cant find it just the old… if you can send link thanks

check k9 zip in the description

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hey guys works good well only two of the work but i have issue were the dogs attack and end up killing the AI is there away we can fix this

@Me_Frank so I was using this in my server and the biting script isn’t working. It was put in correctly and everything else works except the biting the dog will run-up to the person but won’t do a bite animation or anything. The biting won’t work on other players. Not sure about AI as we have them turned off in our server. Thanks for any help you can provide! Other than that small minor issue it’s a great script even if it isn’t originally yours.


i found if u change the model the bite works 2 out of 4 of the dogs


@Oh_No_Deano which model? I’ve been using the Husky

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Rotty and cant remember the other ( not at pc atm) you can also tell what one works by running if the dog is faster then you it works

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I have the issue the dog kills the ai is there a way we can change that

the script is more for a police k9 so I believe we may have only updated the Shepard so you might be able to copy the code from the Shepard to other dogs onto the other dogs