[FREE][Release] Lockpick Minigame [STANDALONE]


A simple lockpick minigame.
I made this script a while ago for my server, I used it to unlock vehicles.
However, you can use your creativity and use it for other purposes.
This minigame is not my own, what I did was simply convert it to work on fivem.

Credits: https://codepen.io/nguyn-bo-to-n-the-encoder/pen/eYWEGrg

The minigame is completely STANDALONE, just call an event with the necessary configuration and the minigame will open.


How ​​to use

TriggerEvent("mxStartLockpickGame", x, y, scale, function(Callback)
	if Callback == 'sucess' then
		print(">> Lockpick: [ Success ]")
	elseif Callback == 'failed' then
		print(">> Lockpick: [ Failed ]")


  • X = position on screen
  • Y = position on screen
  • Scale = scaled game size (example: 1.0 normal)


  • A and D = force the lock
  • Move the mouse = Move the clip
  • ESC = Closes the minigame
  • Backspace = Closes the minigame

Download on Github

See our other scripts:
Mx Show Damage (new)
Mx Crafting V2 (new)
Mx Custom Car V2 (new update)
Body Damages V2 (new update)
Tattoos Shop and Degrade Hair
Mx Custom Car
Body Damages
Mx Keycodes
Mx Crafting
Fix Wiring [FREE]

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements Standalone
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Excellent, another option here on the forum, you can use whatever is best for you.
My version of this minigame was created before him, he just posted it first, I didn’t even intend to post it and when I posted it, I didn’t go looking on the forum to see if it already existed or not, anyway, we are not competitors, we are a community and everyone has their own version :wink: :blush:

This wasn’t made by you kek

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Are you sure about that ? :joy:
Why is there always someone who wants to create a problem where there isn’t one? :joy:
There cannot be two scripts where two people had the same idea of ​​converting a simple codepen minigame.
You looked at the code to be sure, I’ll show you prints of the dates if applicable.
The minigame in fact, neither I nor the other creator made it, it’s a conversion, his is in HTML and CSS, mine was made in the VUEJS framework, just look at the difference in the codes before saying anything :joy:

are you trippn ? that is not yours!

That’s why the credits are there :joy: :joy: :joy:
I never said it’s mine, read the post, just read it, it’s not mine or the other creator’s, it’s just a conversion of the minigame for fivem, and that’s it :joy:

I can’t imagine why anyone would want a script that already exists and is exactly the same as another
(but atleast you made it free lol)

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So does that mean there can only be one script like this? A minigame that is on the internet where anyone can use (Codepen)
Where is this rule here on the forum? Because as far as I know, it’s not forbidden for people to have the same ideas
When I’m going to launch something, I don’t care if it already exists or not, I don’t keep researching to find out
And if there is, it’s up to you to use what you like best… It’s as simple as that
It would be a problem if it was paid and if the conversion code was exactly the same, which it isn’t, the guy used ‘html and css’, I used ‘VUEJS Framework’, Now there are two of this script :wink:

Because the keyway, tension tool and screwdriver are the same identical ones from QB-Core and wherever that script originally was from back in the QBUS days or whatever.

All you did, from a quick look at the preview, was add a green success tick and red fail X and made the images slighly smaller, although that might be your resolution.

Sure it’s free, but it’s not 100% yours.

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I never said it was 100% mine, that’s why I gave credit and I say that in the post ‘not my own’.
The conversion code does, using the vuejs framework.