[Free] Lockpick Minigame

Lockpick UI Minigame

Before you point out that I did not make this, well I did not create the UI
If this is not allowed you can flag it or moderator can take it down thankyou

An easy lockpick export for FiveM.
I know this was in a lot of leaked resource and has been made similarly.
I was looking for lockpick minigame but there was not any that looks realistic and was wondering if this was already made free in the forum. But it was not, so I decided to release this.
But this one I edited the client myself from the codepen mentioned below.
Credits to antoxa-kms.


  1. Download the resource.
  2. Drag and drop to resources folder.
  3. Ensure or start the resource in server.cfg and you are done.


Use startLockpick export to start lockpicking.

RegisterCommand('lockpicktry', function()
    local result = exports['lockpick']:startLockpick()
    print(result, 'lockpicking result')

Download here


Suggestions and pull request are welcome!


I do not take any credits from the UI code, credits to antoxa-kms codepen.

My other works

BCS_company BCS_license

BCS_housing JobCenter1
BCS_hud image

BCS_license_test image


Isn’t this the same one from QBCore?

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Great recreation but there is a one of these on github as well from the qbcore framework - Picklock. I prefer the positioning of your one. the others are too high on the screen imo.

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Ahh I never realized QB Core has it, welp I just made it for my next release which is housing script. I made it for the robbery system. I could add more features like animation and sound and so on if you guys want this to be different than the QB one. But for now I will just make this quick release.

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this for esx or qb?

No no it’s fine lmao was just wondering.

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It’s standalone

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i didnt see it mentioned anywhere, sorry! Thanks for the quick reply.

Good thought. look forward to see where this goes!

Hey, It works with all cars ?

This is just an export, you need to create the script yourself.