hello everyone!
first of all , this my first time releasing something on forum , so take it easy on me!
i just make this script for ESX V1 Legacy [1.2] [WILL NOT WORK WITH ESX V2]
this script also will work on ExtendedMode , a community edition fork of ESX
all commands available in this script:
server console commands:
- players | will return ID/name/group of online players
- reviveall | will revive all dead players
- say [message] | send announcement to all online players
ingame Admin commands
/admin | your exact rank on server
/tpm | teleport you to selected waypoint on map [thanks to qalle for his code]
/coords | print ped coords in serverconsole and F8
/report [message] | send
to all online admins [configurable cooldown] -
/announce [message] | send announcement to all online players
/bring [ID] | bring a player to your location
/bringback [ID] | teleport player back to where he was before
/goto [ID] | teleport you to player with given ID
/goback | teleport you back where you was before
/kill [ID] | instantly kill player with given ID
/freeze [ID] | freezing and making player invincible
/unfreeze [ID] | opposite of what
do -
/reviveall | revive all dead player on server (completely serversided, so no exploit can be done)
/a [message] | admin only chat with ranks and names
/warn [ID] | warn a player and kick if execeed max warns [configurable]
/noclip | Noclip [thanks to riftwebdev] for his code
special thanks to Cold Cat!!!#8585
for helping me on debugging and testing
download from github
extract esx_adminplus-master to your
folder and remove-master
from folder name -
add start esx_adminplus AFTER es_extended(or ExtendedMode) and esx_ambulancejob in your server config
open up config.lua in esx_adminplus folder and config it as you want [note: default ranking system as i know was : superadmin > admin > moderator [it could be different for you, check your server cfg and see what is yours]
dependencies :
ESX V1 final || alternative : ExtendedMode
there is no UI like es_admin , all commands are easy to use already
ESX version 1.1 and 1.2 both supported
Onesync needed for teleport / bring / goto / coords commands ( TLDR : anything that need coordination)
you can exclude rank(s) from accessing to a command by passing a table of ranks as second argument to
if you don’t know what that means , lets do an example :
you want to excludemoderator
from sending announcements , so :
first , find
RegisterCommand("announce", function(source, args, rawCommand)
then find
if havePermission(xPlayer) then
and add second argument tohavePermission
like below:
if havePermission(xPlayer, {'moderator'}) then
thats it!
my other scripts :
Better FPS | Dynamic FPS Booster
second hand vehicle Remastered
Advanced Spectate
ESX Advanced Needs
Advanced Kit System
ESX Advanced Job System
hope you like it!
have a good day