[ESX|QBCore] Vehicle Crafting System

QBCore|ESX Vehicle Craft

  • Have you ever wanted the ability to craft vehicles using items you’ve found or created? With this resource, you can now bring that idea to life!


  • Crafting Tables : Players Have to Craft Vehicles Parts ,use Config.parts to change the materials needed to craft the parts.
  • Craft Vehicles: Players can craft vehicles using customizable, configured parts.
  • Flexible Vehicle List: Easily add as many vehicles as you want in Config.craftableVehicles.
  • Location Configuration: Use Config.craftingProps to spawn new props For players to intract with.
  • Ownership System: The ownership of each crafted vehicle automatically belongs to the player who crafted it.


  • To ensure full functionality, the following dependencies are required:


  • qb-target or ox_target
  • qb-menu or ox_lib
  • qb-inventory or ox_inventory “other inventories may work!”


  • ox_target
  • ox_lib
  • ox_inventory “other inventories may work!”


Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'QBCore' -- Options: 'QBCore', 'ESX'
Config.CoreGetCoreObject = {
    QBCore = 'qb-core', -- Default core name for QBCore
    ESX = 'es_extended' -- Default core name for ESX
Config.MenuSystem = "ox_lib" -- Options: 'qb-menu', 'ox_lib'
Config.TargetSystem = "qb-target" -- Options: 'qb-target', 'ox_target'
Config.progressCraftTime = 20000 -- 20s to craft
Config.progressCheckItemsTime = 3000 -- 3s to check parts 'added it for anti spam'
Config.WebhookURL = "Webhook_Here" 
---------crafting Table--------
Config.craftingTableProp = "prop_tool_bench02_ld" -- Name of the crafting table prop
Config.tableLocations = {
    { coords = vector3(-392.72, 1193.67, 324.64), heading = 0.0, spawnProp = true },
    -- add as more as needed
Config.parts = {
    engine = {
        items = { name = "carengine", label = "Vehicle Engine" },
        materials = {iron = 120,steel = 32,rubber = 24,plastic = 32,electronicscrap = 200}
    tire = {
        items = { name = "tire", label = "Tire" }, 
        materials = {rubber = 50,steel = 22,}
    rim = {
        items = { name = "rim", label = "Rim" }, 
        materials = {steel = 80,plastic = 20}
    battery = {
        items = { name = "battery", label = "Vehicle Battery" }, 
        materials = {copper = 12,rubber = 20,plastic = 30, electronicscrap = 82}
    gear = {
        items = { name = "gear", label = "Vehicle Gear" }, 
        materials = {rubber = 12,plastic = 30,steel = 42,iron = 90}
    sparkplugs = {
        items = { name = "sparkplugs", label = "Spark plugs" }, 
        materials = {rubber = 4,steel = 12,plastic = 3,electronicscrap = 11}
    cycleframe = {
        items = { name = "cycleframe", label = "Cycle Frame" }, 
        materials = {steel = 120,iron = 200,metalscrap = 82,aluminum = 40,plastic = 70,glass = 30}
    vehicleframe = {
        items = { name = "vehicleframe", label = "Vehicle Frame" },
        materials = {steel = 370,iron = 600,metalscrap = 220,aluminum = 340,plastic = 100,glass = 300}
    -- add as more as needed
---------crafting Vehicle------
Config.craftingProps = {
    land = {
        prop = "xs_prop_x18_wheel_balancer_01a",--xs_prop_x18_carlift
        locations = {
            { coords = vector3(2821.42, -711.23, 4.59), heading = 353.09, spawnOffset = vector3(0.0, -5.0, 1.0), spawnProp = true }
            -- add as more as needed
    sea = {
        prop = "xs_prop_x18_wheel_balancer_01a",
        locations = {
            { coords = vector3(2948.75, -737.64, 1.66), heading = 262.06, spawnOffset = vector3(1.0, -8.0, 1.0), spawnProp = true }
            -- add as more as needed
    air = {
        prop = "xs_prop_x18_wheel_balancer_01a",--prop_air_bench_02
        locations = {
            { coords = vector3(2915.38, -690.57, 5.3), heading = 352.49, spawnOffset = vector3(0.0, -7.0, 1.0), spawnProp = true }
            -- add as more as needed
Config.craftableVehicles = {
    land = {
        ["dune"] = {
            displayName = "Dune Buggy",
            image = "nui://sinor-VehicleCraft/images/dune.png",
            parts = { tire = 4, battery = 1, gear = 1, sparkplugs = 3, rim = 4, carengine = 1, vehicleframe = 1 }
        ["ratloader"] = {
            displayName = "Rat Loader",
            image = "nui://sinor-VehicleCraft/images/ratloader.png",
            parts = { tire = 4, battery = 1, gear = 1, sparkplugs = 8, rim = 4, carengine = 1, vehicleframe = 2 }
        ["ratbike"] = {
            displayName = "Rat bike",
            image = "nui://sinor-VehicleCraft/images/ratbike.png",
            parts = { tire = 2, battery = 1, gear = 1, sparkplugs = 2, rim = 2, carengine = 1, cycleframe = 1 }
        -- add as more as needed
    sea = {
        ["dinghy"] = {
            displayName = "Dinghy",
            image = "nui://sinor-VehicleCraft/images/dinghy.png",
            parts = { battery = 1, gear = 1, sparkplugs = 2 }
        -- add as more as needed
    air = {
        ["seasparrow"] = {
            displayName = "sea sparrow",
            image = "nui://sinor-VehicleCraft/images/seasparrow.png",
            parts = { battery = 1, gear = 1, sparkplugs = 2 }
        -- add as more as needed


Tebex :

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you can join my discord for any support ! Sinor System

Code is accessible Config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 480
Requirements ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

Thats cool!

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thanks :blue_heart:

Very coool script!

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thank you