[standalone]Advanced Zombie System


Sinor-AdvancedZombieSystem is a custom zombie spawning system , featuring dynamic zombie behavior, custom sound integration with Sounity and xsound, and configurable redzones points where zombies will spawn and attack players. The system is optimized to handle zombies while maintaining performance and immersion.


  • Fully Configurable.

  • Synced Zombies using onesync or deafult client side.

  • Dynamic Zombie using FiveM native Ped Density or Spawn System or Both

  • Custom Zombie Behavior: Includes custom animations, health, and combat settings to make zombies more challenging.

  • 3D Zombie Sounds to provide immersive sound effects for zombie groans, attacks, and group behaviors.

  • redzones : its a spawning zone for zombies you can choose Zone Zombie Limit and Spawn Distance and Zombies models.

  • Safe Zones: Designated areas where zombies are automatically removed, ensuring player safety.

  • Excluded Peds : Peds that can spawn normally and can be used in shops and other things.

  • StrongerZombies : {model = “a_m_o_acult_02”, hp = 900}, – Example stronger zombie.

  • OnFire zombies and Gas zombies and Runner zombies.

  • FireZones : zones that keep all zombies on fire

  • sounds from shooting and running and using vehicles noises can attract zombies.

  • Vehicle Density so Players can find Parked vehicles to use.

  • Vehicle Damage allow zombies to damage vehicle engine when players are inside.

  • in Vehicle Damage allow zombies to damage players inside vehicles.

  • Enable or disable headshot insta-kills for zombies.

  • you can Enable or disable zombies spawning in safe zones, you can use it for event!

  • and much More!

change logs

change logs: Update 1.1.0

  • add Configuration to disable or enable blips for both redzones and safezones .
  • add Configuration prevent zombies from climbing ladders.
  • add Configuration for Maximum distance zombies will chase players.

change logs: Update 1.2.0

  • fixed zombies spawning is safe zone bug .
  • fixed players cant focus on zombies when attacking them with melee weapons.
  • add crouching and melee atack distance settings.
  • add line of site to zombies , now they have see or hear or smell player to attack
  • add slow reactions to zombies at first encounter with players
  • new npc spawner with Friendly and unFriendly npcs

change logs: Update 1.2.5

  • add settings for the closestplayer as the target for the zombies.
  • add DeleteDeadZombies setting for removing dead zombies.
  • fixed Zombies attached to one player when attacking.
  • Zombies now attack new players near them and change targets base on distance and noise made by the player.
  • Now if player is over the height of 3 meters zombies will Wander in that zone instead of staying still at one place .
  • if player hide in a high place like a house roof for long time zombies will forget player and Wander away.

change logs: Update 1.3.0

Advanced Zombies System [resource]:

  • New Bite Settings so Zombies will Attack even in animations Cooldown

  • new Config.PlayerTalkingRange for players using proximity chat" works With pma-voice

  • new exports for Attracting zombies to player and spawning zombies near players

exports["Sinor-AdvancedZombieSystem"]:TriggerZombieAttractionToEntity(playerPed,50)  -- Attract zombies to player within 50m

exports["Sinor-AdvancedZombieSystem"]:TriggerZombieSpawn(GetEntityCoords(playerPed),30,5)  -- Spawns 5 zombies within 30m

change logs: Update 1.3.5

  • added boss system (now you can add boss positions and respawn timer for them)
  • fixed sync for npcs
  • fixed normal zombies spawning in redzones
  • add Global Zombies Health Configuration
  • add Npcs respawn Time Configuration

change logs: Update1.4.2

  • Added an option to ignore players who are Fully Bledout.
  • Introduced a feature for players to fall to the ground when surrounded by zombies.
  • Implemented a new Config.Print to display all resource files.
  • Added new Config for Distance Attacks.
  • Introduced Config.SpecialZombies with the following types:
  • Runner Zombies
  • Fire Zombies
  • Gas Zombies
  • Stronger Zombies
  • Electric Zombies
  • Prop Zombies
  • All Special Zombies effects are now synchronized across players.
  • Zombies are now spawned from the server side.
  • Fixed all bugs related to NPC and boss zombie duplication.

change logs v 1.5.0

  • new zones system added to the script.
  • now you can add zombies and npcs zones using polyzone resource.


  • one of them:




Config = {}
-- prints for both server and client
Config.PrintMain = false -- print the main zombies related code
Config.PrintSpecial = false -- print Special zombies related code
Config.PrintBoss = false -- print Boss zombies related code
Config.PrintNpc = false -- print the npc spawner related code
-- new settings 
Config.IgnoreDeadPlayer = true -- Ignore if player is dead "fully bledout"
Config.ZombiesFallCount = 3 -- falling to the ground when surrounded by 3 zombies
Config.FallChance = 10 -- 10% chance if surrounded by "ZombiesFallCount"
Config.fallCooldown = 1 -- in minutes 
Config.ZombiesDistanceAttack = 1.5 -- Normal Zombies Models Attack Distance
Config.RunningDistanceAttack = 1.0 -- Runner Zombies Models Attack Distance
-- Sound Related
Config.SoundSystem = "xsound" -- "sounity" or "xsound"
Config.ZombieRangeSounds = {"range01", "range02", "range03", "range04","range05"} 
Config.ZombieAttackSounds = {"attack01"} 
Config.ZombieGroupSounds = {"LargHorde01", "LargHorde02"} --this one is sound in the background for Hords 
Config.soundRange = 15.0 --zombie Range
Config.soundVolume = 0.1 -- sound Volume
Config.GroupSoundThreshold = 15 -- haw many zombies to play "ZombieGroupSounds"
Config.GroupSoundCooldown = 10000 --Cooldown
Config.SoundDuration = 5000  -- How long each sound plays
Config.MaxActiveZombieSounds = 2  -- Limit the number of zombie sounds in Distance
-- Zombies Related
Config.Headshots = false -- Enable or disable headshot insta-kills for zombies
Config.SafeZoneDensity = false -- Enable or disable zombies spawning in safe zones
Config.PlayerDamage = 5 -- damage taken from zombie hit
Config.RemoveOutOfVehicle = true  -- Set to true to allow zombies to pull players out of vehicles, false to disable
Config.VehicleDamage = true  -- Set to true to allow zombies to damage vehicle engine when players are inside
Config.VehicleDamageAmount = 5  -- Amount of damage zombies inflict on vehicles each attack
Config.inVehDamage = true  -- Set to true to allow zombies to damage players inside vehicles
Config.inVehDamageAmount = 10  -- Amount of damage zombies inflict on players inside vehicles each attack
Config.allowClimbingLadders = false  -- Set to false if you want to prevent zombies from climbing ladders
Config.AttackCooldown = 500 --Zombies Attack animations Cooldown
Config.DeleteDeadZombies = false  -- Set to true to delete zombies after they die
Config.PlayerTalkingRange = 5.0 -- Adjust here 0.0 = false "player using proximity chat" works With `pma-voice`
Config.ZombiesHealth = 200 -- Global Zombies health
-- bite settings
-- note: this have no animations and its made becouse of Attack animations Cooldown so even if Zombies jest Standing There it Can do Damage.
Config.bite = false  -- Enable/disable the bite feature
Config.BiteDamage = 3  -- Amount of damage dealt per bite
Config.BiteTimes = 5  -- Time between bites, in seconds
Config.BiteDistance = 1.5  -- Maximum distance for a zombie to bite a player
-- Distance Related
Config.DistanceTargets = { -- Distance for attracting zombies
    Shooting = 200.0,--player Shooting
    InVehicle = 70.0,--player in Vehicle
    Running = 50.0,--player Running
    Melee = 30.0, -- melee attack
    Standing = 5.0,--player standing 
    Crouching = 3.0,--player Crouching 
    closestPlayer = 20.0, --closest player as the target for the zombie
-- Safe Zones
Config.safeZoneBlips = true  -- Set to false to disable safe zone blips
Config.SafeZones = {
    {coords = vector3(-581.78, -166.96, 39.74), radius = 50.0}, -- alta street
    {coords = vector3(-413.83, 1173.76, 337.04), radius = 120.0}, -- galileo observatory
    {coords = vector3(360.76, -1590.5, 36.95), radius = 90.0}, -- davis avenue
    {coords = vector3(2048.74, 3418.85, 49.0), radius = 80.0}, -- sandy shores
    {coords = vector3(-551.52, 5325.73, 75.27), radius = 120.0}, -- wood factory 
    {coords = vector3(2632.86, 2933.43, 48.71), radius = 50.0}, -- train station
    {coords = vector3(465.06, -787.55, 48.32), radius = 100.0}, -- china town
    {coords = vector3(199.13, 2771.14, 50.59), radius = 50.0}, -- route 68 
    {coords = vector3(-398.75, -2245.06, 13.99), radius = 90.0} -- autopia parkway
    -- Add more as needed
--fire zones
Config.FireZones = {
    {coords = vector3(2778.11, 3476.78, 63.15), radius = 100.0},
    {coords = vector3(3508.29, 3783.13, 35.91), radius = 100.0}
    -- Add more as needed
--Red Zones
Config.redZoneBlips = true  -- Set to false to disable red zone blips
Config.RedZones = { -- zombies in red zone will be deleted for preformance 
        coords = vector3(500.85, 5602.52, 799.01),
        radius = 150.0,
        ZoneZombieLimit = 20, -- Maximum zombies in the zone per player
        redzoneSpawnDistance = 10.0,
        RedZoneZombieModels = {
            -- Add more zombie models specific to this zone
        coords = vector3(1674.32, 2593.53, 59.89),
        radius = 150.0,
        ZoneZombieLimit = 20, -- Maximum zombies in the zone per player
        redzoneSpawnDistance = 10.0,
        RedZoneZombieModels = {
            -- Add more zombie models specific to this zone
    -- Add more red zones here
-- Zombies spawner settings
Config.SpawnerOptions = {
    MinSpawnDistance = 40,
    MaxSpawnDistance = 100,
    DespawnDistance = 300,
    SpawnZombieLimit = 30,-- Maximum zombies per player
    ZombieModels = {
        -- Add more models as needed
    ZombieWalks = {
        -- Add more models as needed
-- Density settings ---------------
-- if using density for System do here from 0.1 to 1.0 ... 
-- note that the zombies that are created by density side are normal npcs changed to be zombies so they may act more like normal npcs some times
-- basically they will have some tasks of normal npcs like talking on the phone and other...
Config.PedDensity = 0.1
Config.ScenarioPedDensity = 0.1
Config.VehicleDensity = {
    Random = 0.0,
    Parked = 0.0,
    Overall = 0.0
Config.ZombieWalks = {
    -- Add more models as needed
-- zombies/npcs-related-settings
-- Special Zombies
Config.SpecialZombies = {
    -- full effects example 
    -- you can add zombies with all effects no problem
    -- {
    --     model = "ped_model_here",
    --     IsRunner = true, -- if zombies is runner 
    --     IsOnFire = true, -- if on fire
    --     IsGas = true, -- if gas do the settings under
    --     GasSettings = { gasRange = 5.0, healthDamage = 1, drunkEffect = false },
    --     IsStronger = true, if stronger add the hp under
    --     StrongerSettings = { hp = 700 },
    --     IsElectric = true,-- if electric do the settings under
    --     ElectricSettings = { effectRange = 5.0, damage = 5, shockEffect = true },
    --     IsProp = true,-- if prop do the settings under 
    --     PropSettings = { propModel = "prop_gascyl_01a", offset = { x = 0.07, y = -0.07, z = -0.03} }-- am using "prop_gascyl_01a" so it do Explosion
    -- },
    -- stonger zombies and prop example
        model = "s_m_y_prismuscl_01",
        IsStronger = true,
        StrongerSettings = { hp = 2500 },
        IsProp = true,
        PropSettings = { propModel = "prop_gascyl_01a", offset = { x = 0.07, y = -0.07, z = -0.03} }
    -- only fire zombies example
        model = "a_f_y_juggalo_01",
        IsOnFire = true,
        model = "a_m_o_acult_02",
        IsOnFire = true,
    -- runner and gas zombies example
        model = "a_m_m_farmer_01",
        IsRunner = true,
        IsGas = true,
        GasSettings = { gasRange = 5.0, healthDamage = 1, drunkEffect = false },
    -- runner and fire and stronger zombies example
        model = "a_m_m_og_boss_01",
        IsRunner = true,
        IsOnFire = true,
        IsStronger = true,
        StrongerSettings = { hp = 400 },
    -- runner and electric zombies example
        model = "s_m_y_cop_01",
        IsRunner = true, 
        IsElectric = true,
        ElectricSettings = { effectRange = 5.0, damage = 5, shockEffect = true },
    -- props zombies example
        model = "a_m_y_genstreet_01",
        IsProp = true,
        PropSettings = { propModel = "prop_gascyl_01a", offset = { x = 0.07, y = -0.07, z = -0.03} }

    -- Add more special zombies as needed

-- Boss zones
-- am using special Zombies as example u can use any Model you want
Config.boss_position = {
    respawnTime = 15, -- in minutes
    positions = {
        {model = "a_m_m_og_boss_01", coords = vector4(1535.28, 1758.82, 108.8, 220.04)},
        {model = "s_m_y_prismuscl_01", coords = vector4(1110.19, 1448.41, 167.54, 97.1)},
-- Excluded Peds
Config.ExcludedPeds = { -- Peds that can spawn normally "npcs"
    -- Add more models as needed
-- npc zones
Config.NpcsrespawnTime = 15 -- in minutes 
Config.npc_zones = {
    -- note : You Have to Add Only "ExcludedPeds" So Npcs Spawn Normaly
    ---- Friendly Examples ----
        coords = vector3(-408.65, 1238.9, 327.51),-- this is needed so if npcs get out of zone they are deleted
        radius = 200.0, -- Zone radius
        type = "FRIENDLY", -- Friendly NPCs won't attack the player
        positions = {
            {model = "s_f_y_scrubs_01", coords = vector4(-425.85, 1110.8, 326.68, 40.2), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_MOBILE"},
            {model = "a_m_o_soucent_03", coords = vector4(-426.91, 1110.19, 326.68, 358.71), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING"},
            {model = "a_m_y_dhill_01", coords = vector4(-431.61, 1112.2, 326.68, 301.37), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING"},
            {model = "s_f_y_scrubs_01", coords = vector4(-404.39, 1193.38, 324.66, 114.16), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_MOBILE"},
            {model = "ig_hunter", coords = vector4(-371.55, 1259.6, 328.04, 206.35), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING"},
            {model = "a_m_y_dhill_01", coords = vector4(-430.66, 1183.96, 324.8, 294.94), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING"},
            {model = "a_m_y_dhill_01", coords = vector4(-405.23, 1163.86, 324.92, 347.21), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_SIT_UPS"},
            {model = "ig_hunter", coords = vector4(-405.79, 1161.31, 324.92, 153.36), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_SIT_UPS"},
            {model = "s_m_y_marine_03", coords = vector4(-408.75, 1163.01, 324.91, 272.33), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_PUSH_UPS"},
            {model = "ig_hunter", coords = vector4(-430.44, 1134.22, 324.9, 91.34), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_LEAF_BLOWER"},
            {model = "a_m_y_dhill_01", coords = vector4(-415.66, 1129.38, 324.9, 253.65), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_PLANT"}
    ---- unFriendly Example ----
        coords = vector3(-468.81, 5996.75, 31.28),
        radius = 90.0, -- Zone radius
        type = "UNFRIENDLY", -- Unfriendly NPCs will attack the player on sight
        positions = {
            {model = "s_m_y_marine_03", coords = vector4(-450.42, 6013.41, 40.48, 320.23), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_PATROL"},
            {model = "s_m_y_marine_03", coords = vector4(-439.76, 6002.22, 40.44, 232.8), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_PATROL"},
            {model = "s_m_y_marine_03", coords = vector4(-430.93, 5994.51, 35.31, 259.54), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_PATROL"},
            {model = "s_m_y_marine_03", coords = vector4(-444.57, 5987.76, 35.31, 91.42), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_PATROL"},
            {model = "s_m_y_marine_03", coords = vector4(-476.97, 6027.64, 31.34, 272.02), task = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_PATROL"}

        weapons = {"WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL"} -- Weapons for unfriendly NPCs
    --- add more as needed





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you can join my discord for any support ! Sinor System

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +1000
Requirements Sounity or xsound
Support Yes
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Just got this! Headed to bed and putting it in tomorrow morning ! Will let you know !

do you like it so far!

I do! I had to take it out because I am trying to configure it for only zombies in paleto, and nowhere else, with a safe zone inside paleto.

I’m also writing a snippet to suppress all vehicles and scenarios in that area, as I plan to use a ymap there for a apocalypse paleto

Might hop on your discord to discuss this.

change logs: Update 1.1.0 is out!

  • add Configuration to disable or enable blips for both redzones and safezones .

  • add Configuration prevent zombies from climbing ladders.

  • add Configuration for Maximum distance zombies will chase players.

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change logs: Update 1.2.0 is out!

  • fixed zombies spawning is safe zone bug .

  • fixed players cant focus on zombies when attacking them with melee weapons.

  • add crouching and melee atack distance settings.

  • add line of site to zombies , now they have see or hear or smell player to attack

  • add slow reactions to zombies at first encounter with players

  • new npc spawner with Friendly and unFriendly npcs

we bought this its good but zombies dont seem to attack new players when they fly in

can you be more specific !

Zombies are not agressive to every player they seem to only be attached to one person if that one person then fly out the zombies just act like locals

i did not have that problem with me ill see what i can do and fix it

i have found the problem i added it in the last update mybad it should be fixed in the next update :heart:

change logs: Update 1.2.5 is out!

  • add settings for the closestplayer as the target for the zombies.

  • add DeleteDeadZombies setting for removing dead zombies.

  • fixed Zombies attached to one player when attacking.

  • Zombies now attack new players near them and change targets base on distance and noise made by the player.

  • Now if player is over the height of 3 meters zombies will Wander in that zone instead of staying still at one place .

  • if player hide in a high place like a house roof for long time zombies will forget player and Wander away.

the zombie seems to be passive when player are inside mlo, isit possible to fix this? zombie inside will not attack player, they will just stand there and watch

i think its colission problem but ill see what i can do

its colission problem the mlo need to have Ped Path most gta mlos have that but custom mlos dont have that
i tested that in ammo and clothing mlos and they attack and follow players but gabz and other mlos dont have that

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Does it support loot drops?

haw is that !

i see, guess i will try other ways to make it work like how i wanted, thanks!

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i think he meant when you kill zombie it will drop loot

Thank you for explaining