Cinematic Cam - Camera for flying around and attaching to entities!

Showcase Video


:movie_camera: CinematicCam

The CinematicCam provides the user with an easy to use “additional” camera, that can be moved freely in the world. Additionally it can be attached to any npc/player/vehicle in the game in order to provide something similar to a “Dashcam” or just for fancy screenshots or videos.
You can set it on a specific position and angle relative to your character and the camera will move with the entity.

:clipboard: Features

  • complete control using NativeUILua by Frazzle (NativeUILua)
  • toggle the camera on / off
  • moving and rotating on all axes
  • using mouse AND controller input for rotation
  • setting precision rotation
  • setting field of view and speed of the camera
  • attach camera to any npc/player/vehicle entity
  • applying / removing a filter
  • setting filter intensity
  • toggle minimap on / off
  • toggle between player and camera control
  • you can now set up a permission based system rather easily

How to use the cinematic cam

  • in the config.lua are several options you can change
  • default chat command is /cam to open the menu
  • attaching to entities: Open the menu, activate the camera and point at an entity, then select the respective menu point

Setting up a permission based system:

  • Change Cfg.usePermissions to true in config.lua
  • Open your server.cfg and
    add_ace identifier.license:rockstarlicenshere "CinematicCamPermission" allow


Keyboard specific:

  • to open the menu: default button is Delete
  • moving: WASD, Space and Ctrl
  • rotating: Mouse Movement, Q and E for rolling
  • Field of View: Mouse Wheel Up/Down
  • Speed: Shift + Mouse Wheel Up/Down

Controller specific:

  • to open the menu: default button is (hold for ~1 second) Back (Xbox) or Select (PS)
  • moving: Left Analog Stick + LT/RT (Xbox) or L2/R2 (PS) for up/down
  • rotating: Right Analog Stick + LB/RB (Xbox) or L1/R1 (PS) for rolling
  • Field of View: Hold A (Xbox) or X (PS) + LT/RT (Xbox) or L2/R2 (PS)
  • Speed: Hold B (Xbox) or O (PS) + LT/RT (Xbox) or L2/R2 (PS)


Installation Instructions

  • make sure NativeUILua is being started in your server.cfg
  • start CinematicCam after NativeUI in your server.cfg (or whatever else you renamed the folder from Github)
start NativeUI
start CinematicCam
  • Once you are ingame, just press the default button or type /cam in chat


  • make sure you have the latest version of NativeUILua installed!
  • clear server and client cache

:coffee: Support me

If you want to further support my work, consider taking a look at my Tebex store . Maybe you can find something you would like :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looks good.

Beat me to it, nice release bud +1


So at first I’m like why would anyone need this. I actually click on it to look at what it does and holy shit this is amazing.


Thanks good job my players is gonna love this

EDIT: i cant get this to work


oh sorry… I’ll edit the description…

It requires NativeUILua by Frazzle:

And I am glad you all like it :slight_smile:

Damn, i heard there was a client side script for this. But its cool now its server side!

What exactly do you mean? This script is completely client side. I plan on doing something for my own server (a permission based system) but that won’t be in the official release.

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it is server sided

Oooh… I know what you mean now… sorry for that :smiley:

Yea, you put it in the server, so every player on your server can use it but there is actually no client-server communication going on in this script… that is why I was confused :slight_smile:

ahh okay

It doesnt work for some reason :frowning:

What exactly doesn’t work?

Do you have a client or server log for me to look into?

i only have a grpahics mod clientsides and i installed the resources like i do with everything, when i type in chat /free… it say’s /freecam but when i press enter i dont see a menu or something :frowning:

It seems like you don’t have NativeUI in your resources.
It is needed in order to actually make the menu show up.

If it is installed, please provide me with a server and/or client log, so I can check it :slight_smile:

If you use Discord, feel free to message me there Kiminaze#9097

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The FreeCam Is so Nice Thanks Mate !

An if disabling it attaching to the player would be nice. Note that you probably will need to use SetFocusArea respectively.

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That is a nice idea… Thanks for mentioning!

I’ll make it a config option so people can choose.

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mybe add it so we can change it in the menu cuss some times we want both