[RELEASE] Advanced Screenshots

Looks interesting, what graphic mods do you have though?

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Siick script!
But whenever i click F10 its just in slomotion until i restart the server. How do i fix this?

nice, i wish there was something similar for client side.

Thanks for feedback, do you install the screenshot-basic correctly? Also, you should wait the webpack finished the installation task.

You can visit http://localhost:13172/ and click the “CitizenFX root UI”, then go to the Console and check if there is any error about this resource.

Thank you, i installed the screenshot-basic wrong, so works perfectly!

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Thank you for the script, it’s fantastic!

Also, what script is that that you use for the freecam in the video?

Cinematic Cam, links are in the post

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hey, what graphic pack are you using?


i have quantv but my game is nothing like it?

I’m using ReShade and custom ENB settings, and my QuantV is old version.

where to get the screenshot file ?

The script will NOT save files anywhere, you should use your own screenshot tool (or just press the Print-Screen key if you’re using Windows 10+) to save the screenshots.

when i use f10 i will be slow down but how do i get back the speed

You should install screenshot-base resource first, and wait the webpack progress finished.

After the processing was done, how to get back to continue playing? I pressed everything but can’t exit the image

Press ESC should work. if not, check your screenshot-basic installation

works perfectly well i just pray for a way to stop that damn camera coming back behind the car

You can try the Cinematic Cam script.


how to fix this?