VehicleTransport - Easy attach and detach Vehicles!

Hello everyone!
This time I bring to you my vehicle transportation script!

What exactly is “VehicleTransport” and what can you do with it?

VehicleTransport is a script that allows you to use common transport vehicles to transport other vehicles! See for yourself what can be done in this video:


  • OneSync


  • By default ~20 vehicles are defined as transport vehicles (flatbed, trflat, benson, mule, mule2,
    mule3, mule4, pounder, pounder2, skylift, titan, cargoplane, wastelander, armytrailer,
    boattrailer, freighttrailer, avenger, avenger2, slamtruck).
  • No commands needed for playing! Everything can be done ingame!
  • Go to the back of a transport and press the button to deploy a ramp (if the transport has one
  • Drive onto the transport and press a button to attach / detach the vehicle.
  • Fully Multiplayer compatible. It does not matter who deployed the ramp or who attached a vehicle.
    Anyone can interact with anything!
  • You can drive onto a moving truck and attach your vehicle. Or detach from a moving truck.
  • Set the maximum speed a transport vehicle can move at if the ramp should be deployed.
  • You can define your own transport vehicles (e.g. if you use mod vehicles) by using a series of
    commands ingame. No need to edit a file!
  • Script can be restarted at any time.

Planned features (no ETA)

  • Attaching a vehicle from the outside
  • Pushing vehicles
  • Winch system


  • Client Side: 0.00ms (idle) up to 0.03ms while interacting
  • Server Side: 0.00ms

Where can I get this?

This script is currently purchasable for 5.00€ (without tax) at:

Check out my other scripts as well!


The script looks awsome! But how about disabled (broken motor) vehicles? Is there any option to get them up?

Not as of now. I have been thinking about including something like a Vehicle Push script and maybe I’ll add it in as well.
(I even thought about adding a custom crane system lol)

My suggestion (as of now): Use one of those Pushing scripts that are already out there.
Other than that I’m always happy about suggestions for my scripts! :slight_smile:

A small new update for you!
If you already bought the script, you can access this update with the same link that was already provided to you!

quick hotfix

and a new known issue:

But this should be fixed the next day.

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Thank you for fixing the chat bug. Just to show off the script a little, I attached 8 bikes to one trailer.

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linux supported ?

Flawless!! Deserve every penny you make

I guess so? I am not sure what should prevent it to be :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! <3

.dll not supported from linux

Then it is not supported, sorry. Didn’t even think of that. I’ll write it into the original post. Thanks for letting me know!

Hey everyone!
I got a new update for you:

And a new how to:

And I squashed a little bug! See the readme if you still have problems with this.

As always: if you already purchased the script, you can download it from the same link that was previously provided to you!

I use this script in linux server with no issues.

Okay interesting…

You can always try it out. If it doesn’t work, you can always charge it back!

I wouldn’t say that. I would ask for proof before allowing it.

I have tested it with a friend and his Linux Server. The script works as normal. Artifacts Version from around a week ago.

Sorry, I don’t know a lot about Linux :smiley:

The script is very good, I still could not test it, but it is good according to the video and cheap, the only bad thing is that you cannot edit anything since it is so embedded that you cannot edit anything to your liking to make it better.

Great Job !! vrpex or standalone please? thanks

@DescontroladosRP Yea, I was thinking on distributing the source code as well, but decided against it for a few reasons.
If you have any suggestions, please, let me know :slight_smile:

@zxboss This is completely standalone and since v1.2 you can trigger an event to enable or disable it for different players (e.g. only mechanic can use it)
And thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t know if it should be me, but I’m doing very badly …
The ramp does not disappear, if not it remains invisible and throws an error in the console … I wrote to the creator a while ago and nothing … quite dissatisfied with the script and the service …

I just answered you in your private message, but here you go again, so everyone can see it :slight_smile:

Are you using onesync? And how old is your server artifact version?
You may need to set onesync to false in the config.ini

And keep time zones in mind. I just went to sleep when you wrote this :wink: