Christmas Rewards for your Players [QBCore]

Christmas Gift Cards / Tickets for QBCORE
As Christmas is not too far, I have made this small script for you to reward your players in this festive season. The Script provides you to add giftcards to any shop in your game, using which players have a chance to get random rewards. These rewards can be easily configured in the Config.Lua of the script.

  • 7 Different Card Designs included in the script.
  • Randomized Reward with every new Ticket
  • Tickets retain their Rewards (means rewards associated to one ticket won’t change)
  • Easy to Configure using config.lua.
  • Item Code and Image is included with the script itself.

0.00 - 0.01 MS on IDLE
(on specs : AMD R5 4800H, RTX 3050, 8GB RAM 3200MHZ)

Please watch the Preview for more understanding.

Script is not Encrypted and has no IP Locks

Purchase Now (Tebex)


Card Designs

After Purchase you must add the ITEM in your shared.lua (Copy Paste code from Readme)

More Christmas related releases are planned to come, currently in development. The script prices might increase as we go closer to Christmas, hence you are suggested to buy it earliest possible as per feasibility. :slight_smile:

My Other Popular Releases :


21 $ Nice Christmas Present xD


i think that is overprice. But, just my opinion!
But nice script :slight_smile:


Thank you! Probably its inclusive of Sales Tax or something, but its 18 from my side :slight_smile: .
I’ll try to rethink on my pricing probably on my next release. Thanks for sharing ur opinions :slight_smile:

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Once again OSM makes another amazing addition to any QBCore framework server, these gift cards have my server going nuts, we will be giving them out all holiday and the best part is, you can even use them after the holidays if you have an event or something im sure

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I love you, friendly neighbor hood jay

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Isnt it rodas_christmas?

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no roda copied this script, look at the release dates on the both of the scripts before you say anything, be your own detective thanks ~Jay

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Sorry mate

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Some people are habitual of creating cheap clones of my scripts, he is one of them. :slight_smile: and still people buy mine because they know what’s better

I’ll be honest with you, I also bought Rodas Christmas.

I didn’t know you had such a script or that yours was original.
I had filtered for “XMAS” 3-4 days ago and his thread appeared.

That’s why I thought your script was from Roda. Why don’t you report Roda?

What should I report him for? :thinking: I don’t think CFX Forums have any rules for copying script ideas, though I could be wrong.

I don’t know how your code is built.
But I think it’s almost 100% the same, the UI as well only the button is left with it.

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I make the code by 0, I Just copy his idea, is not difficult to do, It just take 1 hour, so the code is 100% different.

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Really good script, it is perfect for this Christmas!

Is there a way to change it for none Christmas?

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Yes absolutely, you can contact me, and I can change the ticket designs :smile:

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The Script has been updated already to work with latest QBCore