VehicleTransport - Easy attach and detach Vehicles!

Another small update mainly fixes a bug that you couldn’t enter vehicles in the cargoplane. (but also works for other transports where you couldn’t enter a vehicle)
As always, if you already bought the script, you can just download it again from the link, that was already provided to you!

Very good script ! The best trailer of the market. I buy this and i am very happy. It’s work very well and developper is very serious and he answer very quickly

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Small new update!

Added 3 new vehicles as transports
Added the source code
Probably fixed a OneSync Inifinity related bug with despawning the ramp

If someone wants to use this mod trailer I can make your work easier for you.

Just add in the file: transportData.json …

“ModelName”: “gooseneckt”,
“ModelHash”: 1029869057,
“Min”: {
“X”: -1.26631892,
“Y”: -6.13799143,
“Z”: -0.20532155,
“IsNormalized”: false,
“IsZero”: false
“Max”: {
“X”: 1.28491533,
“Y”: 5.069891,
“Z”: 2.443019,
“IsNormalized”: false,
“IsZero”: false
“RampModelHash”: -1,
“RampPosition”: {
“X”: 0.0,
“Y”: 0.0,
“Z”: 0.0,
“IsNormalized”: false,
“IsZero”: true


Excellent mod and fairly priced, works very well and is easily configurable.

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is there a trigger for the ramps on the slamtruck?

Is it the slamtruck from Cayo Perico? That doesn’t need a ramp. I mean it is a “ramp vehicle” already xD
It is in the newest .json if you bought the script some time ago, but I did not add a ramp to it.

Unless I am missing something here :smiley:

yes it is the slamtruck from Cayo. There is still a gap and with some of the lower vehicles wont go up it. Wasn’t sure about if it did or not. might need a mini ramp…

Quickly did it… will be in the next update.
Kind of difficult to deploy the ramp… you need to stand right above it in the middle :smiley:
You can replace it in the json file :smiley:

    "ModelName": "slamtruck",
    "ModelHash": -1045911276,
    "Min": {
      "X": -1.13159323,
      "Y": -4.33380747,
      "Z": -0.204333961,
      "IsNormalized": false,
      "IsZero": false
    "Max": {
      "X": 1.162106,
      "Y": 0.8837402,
      "Z": 2.08279562,
      "IsNormalized": false,
      "IsZero": false
    "RampModelHash": -1061569318,
    "RampPosition": {
      "X": 0.0,
      "Y": -7.330452,
      "Z": -0.8221497,
      "IsNormalized": false,
      "IsZero": false

Small, but impactful update regarding performance.
Switched to a lua file for server side to reduce overhead.
Also a small change to the json file.

New update! :slight_smile:

As always, people who already purchased the script are able to download this update from the same link that was provided to them in the first place.

Can’t seem to find the link to download the update? If you could be so kind to direct me as since using onesync infinity this has stopped working

If you have already bought the script, you have been sent two emails. The first one contains the Tebex transaction confirmation and the second one includes the download link. This link also includes all further updates. Just click it again to download the newest update.

If you require that link again, I will need some confirmation from you. Just send me a dm with your purchase information (like email, date, etc.)

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Got it thanks, all works with onesync infinity?

Yes, should work without a problem. Check the config if something with the ramp seems off :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Awesome script ! Congrats !

I have a question, it’s possible to modify the notification system? (I don’t dev in C#) I didn’t use the esx notification on my server, but I use a system like mythic_notify ! Maybe just a LUA file in client and server side for trigger my notify function ! Thank you :slight_smile:

I cannot find the thread of mythic_notify. But every export can be triggered from C# as well. I just don’t know how it would work for mythic.
My source code is included, so you can just look for “notification” and remove / change it. E.g. trigger an event when you don’t know how exports work with mythic_notify.

That being said, there will be an update in the future fixing a few really minor things that mainly bother myself. I might take it into consideration then. But this will take some time.

And that is btw no “esx” notification. That is literally the default notification from GTA that is being displayed there :smiley:

Okay I see, thank you for your answer ! Yes you are true, this is GTA notifications ^^ I say that because when you use it you trigger ‘esx:showNotification’ in esx, that it ^^

If I can help you, I have some script just with a lua file client and server side, I just do a function for change the notif like this :

Client side :

function notify(text, style)
    -- ESX.ShowNotification(text)
    --You can put there any notification system

Server side :

function notify(source, text, style)
  -- TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, text)
  -- You can put there any notification system

Thank you for that ! Have a nice evening !

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Curious, a friend uses this and I thought about getting it due to how freaking awesome it is.

Only thing is, I am a bit of a neat freak when it comes to console messages. He showed me that is prints like five or six lines upon spawning into fivem.

Is there a way to turn that off, or is it a functionality thing?

That is literally what happens when the script starts (it is written in C#).
I do not know if there is any way to prevent that.

Lua scripts do the same thing after all, just with less lines.

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