[Standalone] Zyke Crosshair

[Standalone] Zyke Crosshair

What is this script?
This script was made primarly for servers with high weapon usage where you often have to use a third party software in order to have a decent crosshair. It’s standalone and can be run on any server.

Script features
Highly configurable
Change size, outline, colors, offset etc
Settings are saved client side


Or click here

The NUI was written and compiled in React which means you can’t change much.
Main client file handling everything will be locked.

Tebex: https://store.zykeresources.com/
Script: https://store.zykeresources.com/package/5331095

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback I am open to receive it.

Previous Resources
Advanced Blackmarket: [ESX, QB-Core] Advanced Blackmarket [PAID]
Marijuanaplants: [ESX, QB-Core] Marijuana plants

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements None
Support Active support

Din buse.

Looks like something i would prefer to use if my players voted to have crosshair, It might be a really futurastic looking style and would love to use it, It´s overall a very sleek design. 10/10 FR

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