[ESX, QB-Core] Advanced Blackmarket [PAID]

[ESX, QB-Core] Advanced Blackmarket [PAID]

What is this?

This resource was created because I wanted a new look to blackmarkets. It’s often the same and I wanted to make my own spin on it. As you can see below it has features such as a database stock based system, which is rare to see. A modern NUI for browsing categories, items and confirming purchases, it even has randomized positions. It’s an all in one blackmarket and most likely the last one you’ll ever want and need.

Script features
A modern NUI you can browse easily.
Stock based inventory that is generated and saved to the database.
Randomized positions on the map that change after the set timer, completely synced between all players.
Large config to edit values.
Low ms.

Tebex: https://store.zykeresources.com/

Videos / Showcase
NUI design: Click to display & Click to display
Video: Click to display

Locked Files
Since I am using Tebex I will also be using their escrow technology in order to prevent malicious distribution. All essential files will be locked. You will have access to the interaction function through main.lua and you can change values in the config.lua. If you wish for more to be unlocked, I am open to remake bits of the code in order to make that possible.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback I am open to receive it.

Previous Resources
Drug script: [ESX, QB-Core] Marijuana plants
[FREE] Alert Jobs: [ESX] Alert Jobs

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 750+
Requirements ESX / QB-Core
Support Active support


I there a config to change default notification to custom or framework related ?

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Not at the moment, ESX is standard ESX.ShowNotification and QB is the QB version for it. I can add it in, which ones are popular and would be appreciated?

I use qb and I when I see this defaut notification I need to ask but I think it would be better to let the people choose by making config to paste theirs notification trigger.

Thank you for reply

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Yea, I guess I could just make an event for that and you can put your triggers in there. Will update it today. Thanks for your suggestion!

Just pushed the update.

  • Added the ability to change the notification system in client/main.lua.
  • Added the ability to change notification strings in shared/config.

Bought this script before it was released to the public and am very happy with it, However, I have switched to QB and therefore I cannot use this as I bought it when it was a REVOKED script.

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nice work Zyke

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